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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
he suddenly gets a chull down his spine and shudders a bit.

he thinks to himself.
("what was that?")
Kai gets up and got dressed. "Humon I have some place to go right now." said Kai as he humon goodbye and rush out the door. "He is getting closer, good soon the weapon will be mine." said Calub as he stopped and waited for little brother.
"okay. dinner will be ready soon." hurry back
Once Kai left out of the building he transformed and flew to his brother and Minutes later Kai got to him and said "Why are you hey!?" Calub said "I am here for father's powerful weapon." "I don't know what you're talking about." responed Kai. Calub wasted no time and grabbed Kai on the trowt and used his power to open a door. Back at the room, a hood man appear in back of Humon and said "Your lover is in trouble."
Seit Threw his Coat on the Sofa that rested on his perch,which is the Top of The Chaos Brother's Building.he watched as the clouds started to form and shape into the state of darkness.Lightning started to show up for beyond Seit's Gaze,but slowly came into view.along with the lightning came a sheet of rain.the rain washed away Seits Face paint.he looked a mirror,which was covered in rain drops but was still visable.he looked at his face in the mirrorand he looked confused.

"its been so long...since i have looked so human...."

Seit rubbed his face a bit.his long sleave under shirt and Black Pants where geting soaked,but he didnt care.he decided to walk among the rain in the forest for a while,as he disapeared and reapeared into the forest.
shocked to see this hooded guy just appear in the room, he recoiled a bit.

"What th-" he started to say until he was interrupted.

"your lover is in trouble" he said, calmly.

Humon's face started to glow red as his eyes took on a hint of blue fire. he roared loudly and bolted through the window and toward Kai.

("C'mon, Kai! Give me a sound!") He thinks more toward Kai than just wishful thinking.
"you two were friends, wern't you?"
Veemon's Followers
"Good your job's done little brother" said Calub as he started to enter the door. ""RRR. YOU BASTARD!!!!!!" yelled Kai as he punch claub awway from the door.
"THERE!" he yells out as he turns toward Kai's voice and starts to run faster.
OOC: Previously on my post:
Quote:OOC: Hmmmm


Keres rests under a tree trying to think where Dark Keres might be, then he looks at Blaize, "Blaize, can you try to locate where Dark Keres is?"

While Dark Keres managed to regain consciousness and weakly tried to swim out of the water, still holding onto the crystal, soon he rests on the shore, looking at where he was. "Where am I?..." he says as he looked around, then he spots a huge building. "Uhhh... I hope they got medics there..."

IC now:

As Keres rides on Blaize looking for Dark Keres; Dark Keres, who was bleeding badly, was slowly making his way through the forest towards the huge building on the horizon, not knowing that it was actually the Chaos Brothers' building.

OOC: man.. I've been gone for a long time now x.x