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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"you must act naturally.....if Shadow or who ever you where runing from confronts you....we got your back...but you hae to have our back when something happens......go back to them,act like this meeting between us never happened....and remember we will be watching you....when ever you need ever you wanna talk....come on over...."
Seit Teleported Blue outside of the building.
Blue looked around. "Ye-sir-" Blue said to himself, his eyebrow raised.
Ky didn't need an explanation. He already know. A growl was rising in his chest and his eyes began to glow again as he suddenly reared back his head. \"SHADOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!\" The yell is extremely loud, far louder than the report of a gun. Glass around them literally shatters and falls to the floor, and the fire and security alarms begin to go off.

Ky stands there, a scowl on his face, hoping, waiting, for Shadow to appear.
''Blue... damn you don't go...'' Mar muttered really slowly and in a low voice, then he closed his eyes, ignoring Moonshadow and tried to find Blue's aura.

After a while of concentrating, he gave up, ''He hid himself...'' he sadly said to himself- then turned to Moonshadow. ''You think... he'll kill himself...?''
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Of course not." Moonshadow said. "I knew him since he was a baby, I'm his Ex-Guardian. And Blue has unfinished business."

"You rang, Mikee?" A voice drawled from behind Flamey... a wolfish shape shape...

Flicker quickly grabbed Flamey. "Mr. Vermilion!" he said in surprise.

"Hello guys, remember me? Shadow's W-A-Y too busy, so I'm here!" Vermilion said, smirking. "That was one HELL OF A YELL Mikee- my ears are still ringing- heh-heh-"
Mar soon sighed, ''I'll have to wait till asking Flicker, for now, I'll have to stay and don't let them get into any trouble...'' he shook his head, but then walked to Flicker and Flamey after nodding to Moonshadow, not looking directly on him.

''Who are you?'' Mar asked Vermillion as he stood up in front of the two young dragons.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Member o' Shadow's forces, Vermilion, AKA Vagrant, AKA Vagabond, AKA Vegarel, AKA Victor Vermilion- the firs Deus Ex Zeta Omnipire Vladloss, at your sevice." Vermilion bowed gracefully, smirking. "How's it goin', kid?"

Flicker remembered what Vermilion said to Vajura a while back: "If he weren't my superior, I'd ass fuck so hard- he'll never walk straight again!" He didn't know what he meant- but it didn't sound pleasant as well- so he was cautious.
''I think- you are scaring him Vermillion...'' Mar said as he stared on him, crossing his arms.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Of course I'm not, We're old buddies- ain't we, Chaos- erm- Flicker?" Vermilion said wrapping his arm around Flicker's neck- removing his mask- and giving him a noogie.

Flicker laughed. "Mr. V- Hahaha- stop that!" Flicker pulled away.

Vermilion smiled. "Heh- still just a kid, eh? Jura misses ya' by the way!"
Ky is NOT in a joking mood. "Busy, huh?" He grabs Vermilion/Vegarel/Vagawhatsit/V-some-odd/Ve-whatever/the first deuce X v-something-or-other by the throat. "I smell a coward. I don't want you. I want HIM."

With strength he never had, he throws Vermilion against the wall.