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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Flicker was felt hurt. "W-what's wrong?" he says, shocked at why Flamey would do that.
Words suddenly start pouring from Flamey's mouth, and tears from his eyes.

"Flamey- it's not your fault! I know you need me more than he does! Shadow never killed anything if I didn't want him to- please Flamey- I'm your brother- and it hurts me to see you cry-" Flicker said, silent tears falling from his eyes.
"HE THINKS IT'S A GOOD THING!!" Flamey cries. "AND HE KILLED A MAN WIGHT IN FWONT OF ME!! And you... only want to come because he said so... and you think he's right about everything... and y-you don't... want to leave him...."
"I KNOW I DONT!" Flicker cried. "But I want to be with you too!! You don't know how much I missed you- I missed mom- I missed dad- I even forgot my name! Shadow told me he means well- and even he isn't perfect- he says he can make mistakes and that I should do what I want! I can follow him- he can't stop me- but I'd rather go home with you!!" He cried, tears streaming down his face.
"He- he killed a man? In front of your eyes? You saw him? What did he do?"
"I-I didn't see him.... Jura covered my face... but I heard Shadow and the man talking, and I heard him yell, and smelled the blood... that S-shadow just wiped off... l-like it was nothing...."
"Thank you Jura..." Flicker thought.

"Did... the man harm you?"
Flamey thinks for a minute. "I-I.... don't remember.... But he didn't touch me."

OOC: And neither do I, lol.
"That man was a bad person, part of a group that thinks everything different from them is evil. talking cannot persuade them- and they would always come back..." Flicker said silently. "Unless something was done about... something that Mr. Shadow learnt the hard way..."