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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"FUCK YEAH IT IS!!! I know even KERES likes to f..."Dark Keres exclaimed but then Keres buries Dark Keres deeper into his mind. "QUIET!"

Keres looks at Blaize. "Well, you see, it's enjoyable, but it should only be done with someone you really love, otherwise it would be a sin, and you're a gaurdian, and you know you're not allowed to commit sin I think... plus... hey wait... why am I even telling you this?.."

Keres flaps his wings a bit more, and he flew a bit but sometimes his wings stop and he falls down a bit.
"Okay... I'll leave it at that. I'll try fucking sometime in the future." He Blaize said, standing up. "Try getting some wind under those wings- don't flap too fast- try gliding." Blaize instructed.
"Ummm... okay..." Keres tries to do what Blaize suggested and soon he was flying around like a pro. "Cool! I'm flying!" Keres then goes back down and then hugs Blaize. "Thanks Blaize!" Keres stands up and blinks, seeing that the sun is setting. "Hmmm... it's getting dark soon, we should go to an Inn... know any inns close here Blaize?"
"No prob! I learnt that from my partner!" Blaize's eyes glowed pinkish for a few seconds. "Yup! found one! Wanna' ride- or test out how you can REALLY fly?" He said.
"I think I'll rather ride... I'm sorta too tired to move my wings anymore..." Keres said.
"Okay- Hop on, and hold on to whatever you can grab!" He says, crouching down.
Keres holds on to Blaize tightly, soon he fell asleep on the way.

As Keres was sleeping, Dark Keres was wandering in Keres' mind and saw a picture of Blaize with hearts on it. "Ohhh... This is something good..."

Dark Keres sends a message to Blaize's mind: "Hey fuck guardian... I think Keres here has a deep crush on you... Hey! Hey! He's asleep! Why don't you try fuckin him when you get to the inn!... Trust me fuck gaurdian! You'll love it! And crave to do more!" Dark Keres chuckles and grin as he keeps on suggesting to Blaize.
Blaize thought back. "He has? But I can't do that, Guardians can't sin." he replied. "Why do you want to fuck me?"
OOC: lol I'm trying to think of a way to get my characters involved with the main things that are going on-- for now, I'm dormant until I get an idea.

"Whoa... that was fast," says Zeke. Without even bothering to remove his clothes, he dives into the water and grins up at Ryon.
Ryon paws at the water, and grins back. "Figured water would please an otter!" he chuckled. His shoulder armor suddenly disappeared, and he hopped in.