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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"Oookay then!" Keres says, chuckling as he forms a bow out of ice and an arrow of lightning. Then Keres shoots the arrow up into the sky, in half a second, the arrow was too far to be seen. Keres turns to Blaize and pets him on the head. "Fetch."
Blaize Crouches, his long tail swishing- then like a meteor- he disappears in a streak of red and flames- he comes back a few seconds later, landing softly beside Keres, purring. The arrow was clenched between his fangs.
"....cain...plan b...."
Cain noded as he turned back into twig.Seit placed him back into the tree and turned to cerberus.
" future is bleek.theres no way to change the on-coming fury...i cannot ensure your protection...any of you..."
seit starts to walk away from the group but stops.
he turns back around,grabs his coat,and rubs the face paint off to let every one see his normal face.
"....this was me....this was Seit.."
the paint magiclly reapears on his face.
"...this is me now....i cant change it..."
he goes to walk away again.
"if you wish to follow me....its at your own risk."
Zeke looks over at them. "Another Guardian, Ryon? There sure are a lot of you guys around here!"
Cronos fell on to his side as Blue dissappered. His eyes deadpanned. "BLUE! YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING DO WHEN I FIND YOU!"
He stormed off in the direction of Zake and Ryon.
"hey Ky, go over to the house in the forest i'll be waiting...i hope." he dissappered
Veemon's Followers
While Zeke and Ryon walk back to the hotel, Cronos approaches.

Ky hears the voice, but he's very confused. He was concerned about Cronos, who had fall off the skateboard, but Cronos had walked away looking for Blue. And Blue had somehow told him in his head that he should be at some kind of house in the forest.

Oh, yeah, a random house in the forest. He ALWAYS visited THERE. It would only take like, what, two years, three tops to find it.

However, as he skated toward the edge of the forest, he somehow knew where to go.

If only this thing could fly, he thinks as he picks it up and begins running. He leaps up into a tree and begins leaping across them. Some would call this dangerous, but Ky didn't see the big deal. He did this almost every day.

He arrives, panting, at the house.




"Ky! Come on, lets find Blue, wherever he is." And when i find him hes going to get more than a few words from me. "oh, hi Zake the Wea-Otter. Whos your friend?" damn. i'll bet my kingdom the he's another guardian. and that he'll tell me off for being a guardian. Hey i know! Since these things always happen to me, if hes a guardian then blue will drop form the a flying mechanical gopher...and live. i can already feel the pain.

occ: YAY!! PARTY AT GUNTER'S!!! he won't mind...
Veemon's Followers
" ... Did you just call me a wea-otter?"
"no i called you an otter. the first bit was a mistake."
Veemon's Followers
"Hmm... Well, what's up?"