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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"i think him and shadow are playing a game of chess and we're the pieces" I put my head on his shoulder.

I hugged Blue. "please forgive me." 'thats going to be one useful power'
Veemon's Followers
"... That may be why he gave me this...." said Ky, holding up his new skateboard. He sighs. "I'm... gonna go for a ride. Do you want to come? You can make sure I don't go flying like last night."
I laughed "lets hope not."
Veemon's Followers
Ky grins recklessly and rolls his board along, then runs up and jumps on it, boarding at a good speed out of the hotel gates--well, sort of. The post next to the gate is ramp-like, so he speeds up that and flies through the air, doing a couple 360's before landing on his board again and rolling down the sidewalk.
Seit gets out of Keres's face and keeps on walking.
they end up outside of the forest,and walked out on the side walk.
seit walk foward alittle then saw the Stakeboarders whiz right by Seit,run over Seits toes.
"......that hurt.."
he looks at the skaters and runs after them.
he runs close to Ky's side.
"what the hell was that about..."
"Huh?" Ky stops. "What was what about?"
"ya, we were only having fun"
Veemon's Followers
"you ran over my toes....look,just dont mess with me.i just got done killing my brother.where am i?"Seit said looking around.
"... It was an accident, dude. I didn't even know. You don't have to be so rude about it.... and you're in front of our hotel." With that, he skates off.
"hey look a skate park! wanna go?"
Veemon's Followers