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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"Thanks-" Cerberus said- "err..." Cerberus said, remembering his paws lacked the dexterity. "Thanks! But I'm watching my figure!" Cerberus said.


"No, Cronos... you're being selfish again- I knew this was the reaction you were going to show." Wolfbane shook his head. "Think Cronos. If you were to die, you will be in peace- but what of Blue? I knew it. You didn't care."

Wolfbane looked Ky in the eyes when he jumped in front of them. "Ky, you're only making this harder on yourself- he's gone. There's nothing you can do, and you can than him for that."
"LIKE HELL! I CARE! No, i knew that you would not do it. because some part of blue is still alive, right?"
Veemon's Followers
Ky just growls again.

"I don't believe you. If he were completely gone, YOU wouldn't be here either."
Keres just chuckles continues to eat popcorn then he notices a knife flying towards Cerberus. Keres pushes Cerberus aside and catches the knife with the popcorn box. "Hmmm..." Keres looks at the knife and sees something. "This symbol... impossible..." Keres looks around then stands up and starts chanting, "Field Magic... Separate Dimension Shield!". Suddenly the whole visible area is encased in a barrier, making it look like that the whole surroundings were like the blue sky. Keres looks at Cerberus, "As long as this barrier is up, no one else can enter, and if Geon tries to escape... well... I'd say it's impossible." Keres then sits down and is in deep concentration.
Wolfbane bowed his head mournfully, and shook it side to side slowly. He raised his head again. "Cronos... the truth is, I can't kill you... not because I cannot- it's because even though it was you who killed Blue's soul... destroyed and darkened his heart... he still cares about you... would you belive that? And Ky- I am here because he is completely gone, his good side, at least." Wolfbane turned around, and gazed into the sky.

"Blue... you weren't able to do what you lived for- you couldnt accomplish your dream- you couldnt avenge your loved ones... including Cronos... I am sorry... I feel terrible that you had to go before you could finish what you've started- and I promise you Blue- I will carry your burden... and do it myself."
"I wouldn't worry about getting hurt, it'll only hurt- but I cannot die. Guardians are immortal. And that's a nice move..." Cerberus said, straightening his armor with a paw.


"-And you didn't answer my question- What about Blue? You're going to let him fade away, knowing that you've betrayed him? You're not going to do anything? No redemtion, no pleas of forgiveness- nothing? That proves... why would you care? You just met. You don't care at all... you are as selfish as I thought." Wolfbane said coldly with a mournful grieving tone, not bothering to look back at them.
Keres chuckles. "I didn't know that, you coulda told me at first... now my box of popcorn is ruined." Keres takes another look at the knife. "...Hmmm... It can't be... I thought I killed him before..."
Cerberus's ears perked. (Guardian power# 836: abbility to hear thoughts as if they were said out loud) "Killed who?"
"Huh? Wait... you can read my mind?... Well... one of the Seizon-Sha's in Earth 2211. A Human turned-anthro, Elvire, he wanted to destroy all the Anthros in hopes of making all the world belong to humans again. I thought I killed him but apperently..." Keres takes the knife and looks at it again. "I guess he's not..."
"sorry... I can here every one within earshot. You want me to turn it off? ....and oh- So even if this is all over... it isnt all over?" Cerberus said.

OOC: Wow... we are overun by bosses!!