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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Keres was already just sitting there eating popcorn as he watches the battle between Seit and Geon.
"You, are in mortal peril. And apparently- you have some importance in the future- scratch that- you are very important." Zeke said.


"Firstly... If you'd rather die, then why did you attack Blue for no reason!?" Wolfbane snapped fiercely.

"And... no.... I am here... because Blue was going through something very dificult... I am here because Blue could stand the pain no more... I am here because he could no longer withstand the despair... I am here because he could ressist sorrow no more.... I am here because Blue could not take anymore grief... I am here... because Blue is at his limits... I am here- because he can endure no more...." Wolfbane said in a soft and dangerous voice.

"I am here... Because Blue... is Dying." Wolfbane finished, bowing his head and clenching his fist.

"Blue could not take anymore- he suffered too much- when you attacked him- that was all it took for him to lose all trust and all hope.... AND HERE-I-AM."
"Important?" Now Zeke is really confused. "What's so important about me?"

"W-What?!" Ky exclaims. "Y-you mean Blue is.... That's not right! There's gotta be a way to save him!"
"I'm sorry... I cannot tell you." Zeke replied.


"-Blue's soul... has died. He took too much- I practically begged him to let me out so he may recover- but he didn't want to- until it was too late..."
"... You mean I'm some kind of important guy that's apparently not supposed to be a slave yet and needs a guardian and I'm not supposed to know why? I'm not sure if I'm liking the sound of this."

Ky is shell-shocked. But he knows that there's got to be SOME kind of way to bring Blue back. Now, he just stares at Wolfbane, not sure of what to say.
"Not many V.I.B.s do, I'm afraid.... and wait- did you say Seit?" Zeke said.


"I know it's hard to accept... But it's just that way... Do you know why Blue survived so many times when he faced Shaodw? Before and After? Because I was there to give him strength- and I was there to absorb some of his pain.


Blue as a kid is curled up in a dark corner- his home is destroyed- his father's body lay in his own blood right in front of him- his mother was trying to fight Shadow off- he strikes- splattering Blue in her blood.


"Bl-ue- I'm s-sorry- *choke* -I c-couldn't protect y-you- *cough's out blood*"

Blue throws his arms around his dying mother.

"Mommy- Please- *sob* Please don't leave me mom-"

"Be strong... Blue..."


Blue is curled up in the corner- crying on his knees, Shadow aproaches slowly.

Blue looks up, his eyes full of tears, he bows his head back on his knees, and cries.

"How could you- Sh-Shadow- how could you..."

Shadow kicked him in the stomach- (just like how Cronos did) Blue recoiled, blood dripping out of his mouth.

Shadow bent down, and grabbed a tuft of fur on Blue's head- and pulled him up.

"(Whispers dangerously in Blue's ears) Does it hurt, Blue? Tell me... Does it hurt..."

Blue whimpers and cries in pain- he can't do anything- he tries to fight back- but Shadow beats him up- Blue did a move called "Spirit of innocence" Shadow dispelled it- and Kicked him hard on the stomach again, fracturing one of his ribs- after two hours of being brutally abused by Shadow- he slams him on the wall, and bends over to whisper again.

"(soft dangerous voice) You are weak, Blue... you are useless... you don't desserve to live- but I'll give you a chance- if you survive this- I'll let you live just a bit longer- but I will kill everyone who comes close to your heart... but you have a chance to kill me- have Your revenge...... or your vengeance..."

Shadow raised his hand- but suddenly- another hand- much bigger than Blue's- grabbed it. Where Blue was once on against the wall- was Wolfbane- after backflipping and kicking Shadow squarely in the muzzle- Wolfbane dissappeared.

Blue as a kid cries in pain and grief against the transparent form of Wolfbane, his small arms wrapped around Wolfbane's neck- Blue's other side has decided to show. In the form of... Wolfbane.


"The same kind of betrayal Blue felt every time Shadow took someone he loved and hurt him." Wolfbane said, as a transparent Body materialized in his arms- Blue.

The transparent Blue then floated in midair, and slowly merged back with Wolfbane.

"You did more than wrong, Cronos.... You did something That Shadow did in your thirst for power and death- there were so many ways for you to ressolve them- if only you told someone sooner. It is your fault."


"Nah- the Honor- is yours." Cerberus bowed. But he slammed a paw on the Ground and runes appeared. "Enchanted Prison of Eternal Ice Seal!" a wave of enchanted icicles sprouted from the ground- catching and trapping Geon's foot- then his whole body except the head. "There you go.. no teleportation, dematerializing, invisibility... no powers at all. No way to run. Seit- this is yours to finish. I am only your Guardian."
"Yes, Seit," says Zeke. "Remember, you met him and me this morning?"

Ky's eyes are already glowing blue, and a growl is rising steadily in his chest. Anger at Shadow has once again awoken his power.
"then kill me. god only knows how much i derserve it."
Veemon's Followers
"NO MORE!!!!" Ky yells, jumping in between them.

Keres offers some popcorn to Cerberus as they watch Seit and Geon's battle.