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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"i-i don't know any more. but your right, there is wrong and right,"

i looked up into ky and blues' eyes.

"and what i did was wrong. can you ever forgive me?"
Veemon's Followers
Ky grins and holds out his paw. "Of course! Right, Wolf-boy?" He refers to Blue that way because he doesn't know his new name. "But I think we've got a lot of considering to do."
The demi-human turned around, revealing his face. It was cold, harsh- emotionless. "The name's Wolfbane. I am Blue's darkside..." Wolfbane said.

"And let me get this straight... You were willing to sacrifice Blue... in order to get stronger?" He asked coldly.


"By order of the Holy Alliance of The Guardian Sanctum, I, Zeke- The Guardian of the Ethereal Plane and the Underworld- Claim Zeke as my V.I.B. I will remain his Guardian until further notice." Zeke said in a cold and commanding voice.

"Stay back... this will be dangerous." Shadow said to Zeke's parents. "You want him? Try in claim him." Shadow flexed his fingers, cracking them.

"I assure..." Zeke said, closing his hand and cracking them. "I... WILL."

><><<><><>><<> >1/5 of a second<

Shadow was kneeling on the ground, his muzzle dripping with his blood- he was panting.

Beside Zeke- was Zeke, his cloak slightly torn. "You should never have left the Guardians." Zeke said. He then Placed a hand on Zeke's shoulder- and they teleported away.

Shadow bowwed his head. and healed his wounds. "I... will need all the help I can get."
"Hmm..." says Zeke's father. "We'll help you."

Ky stares at Wolfbane, surprised at how different from Blue he was.

Suddenly, Zeke is out of his trance, panting as if he'd just run several miles.

"Th-thanks," he says.
Shadow nods. "Thank you... I am concerned about the Guardians though... I admit- some of them- like Zeke... have too much power..."


"DO you know WHY I am here right now?" Wolfbane asked coldly.


Zeke rejuvinated Zeke- and kneeled before him. "You are important in the time-stream. I have been sent to be your Guardian." He said in an 'official' voice.
"I dunno...", he says as he sits up. "I suck horribly at swimming... I can only doggie paddle and I can barely do that".

he kisses Kai's arm and nods. "I'll try if you want me to." he smiles nervously.
Zeke tilts his head slightly. "Guardian. You mean like Seit has? What's going on around here, uh... Zeke?"

"Because you're mad at Cronos?" Ky guesses.
"in awnser to your first question, no. i'd rather die than sacrifice him."

i stood up, ignoring ky's hand

"as for the second, you never told us. so how would we know?"
Veemon's Followers
OOC: and he is back from whoopin KH 2's ass

Seit,losing energy fast,encases himself in a Thick Dark Aura."so...chicken out,are we brother...i dont think so!"Geon pulled out a gun and started to shoot the Aura.the bullets just take long for Seit to regain energy,so he was back on his feet and ready to kill geon.he already had his hand cocked back behind his head to throw an energy ball."...FUCK THIS!".Geon ran into the forest.Seit stoped gathing energy for the ball and looked at cerberous." the honors?".
"I will teach how to swim, ok first you need to move your arms around carefully." said Kai as he showed Humon. "then lay on you stomach and then move your feet up and down but before you start hold your breath and put you head on the water, exhaile during you movement and inhaile but move you head left or right to get air." finished Kai.