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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Zeke follows after the figure. After ten minutes of swimming, and fifteen more of walking, they arrive with Zeke's father and Shadow. Zeke kneels in front of Shadow in the same manner as he had his mother.

Ky, however, says nothing.
"So this is your son..." Shadow said. He looked at him for a while, then he approached his mother. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He said, kissing her hand. he then turned to his father. "He interests me... power over water... is like power over flesh-" he said- but-

"SHADOW!!!" Cerberea pounced from out of the shadows.

Shadow side-stepped her with ease. "Hello..."

"Do you remember me, old friend?" She said angrily.

"Of course- you were one of the Guardian animals who tried to stop me a couple of years back... Cerberea... Where are your partners?"

"I don't need them to take you down, luv!" She smirked.
Zeke stays where he is, feeling unable to, and also not feeling a need to, move.

"By any chance, will you need assistance, Shadow?" asks Zeke's father.
"Mm. For this trash?" He said- and it all happened so fast- Cerberea was unconcious and lying in Shadow's arms, burn marks all over her shoulder armor.
Suddenly, Zeke stands up--on his own. Immediately, the trance grabs him again, but this time, his brain recognizes the danger he's in. But he still can't do a thing about it!
"Tell me, my dear...." Shadow whispered, but loud enough for everyone to hear- "Do you still like me after this?" He mocked.
"somebody say something damnit! i hate awkward sliences!" yelled Sothe.
Veemon's Followers
Blue turned his head towards Sothe, and stared at her unblinkingly.
"okkkk," she pointed at the door "i'm going to go now." she hurryed out. Cronos stood there "is something the matter?"
Veemon's Followers
Blue's creepy eyes followed her unblinkingly.