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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Seit Bonced off Geons Fist,laughing in pain.Geon rushed and Drove his foot into Seits face.the 2nd Archs Appeared on the opposite Shoulder.Seit Grabs Geons Foot and Twists it.Geon Flips to his Feet and rushes him again,Seit just looks at him with evil in his eyes.Geon Stops and thinks.Seit Dissapears and reapears behind him."Iunsa hyavu yehafos SHISA" Seit Chanted.Geon Grasped in pain.he fell to the Ground looking at seit with fear.then he gave off a Wicked smile as a Sharp Tree branch was Drove though Seits Chest.Seit turns,blood driping out of his mouth at Legion,who was laughing at him.Seit Dropped to his knee's bleeding as Geon got up and kicked Seit down,Knocked out.Geon just goes over to Legions side laughing.
all of a sudden a Booming voice was heard thoughout the forest.
"you think you can just stab me in the back....and hope to win?"
Seits body just floated up and Transformed.not only did a 3rd arch appear but a 4th.then they disappeared all together.he Coat Changed from Black to Red,his Hair White,and his Eyes Glowing Black.
the first thing he did was Distort his hand and grab Legion by the face.Legion Screamed in pain as the hand branched over his Body.soon Legion was completly Abosorbed by Seit and he Brought his Hand Back.
Keres was watching this from afar, kinda scared yet amazed of Seit all over again. "Wow... Seit is like a one man army..." Keres thinks to himself.


Meanwhile, Theody, trying to find Keres, was lost in the woods. "I wonder where Keres is... I hope he hasn't gotten himself into trouble..."
Cerberus bounded here and there- asssisting and casting glacial spells- but not daring to attack Geon- remembering what Seit said.

His maw dropped as he saw Seit's traformation.

ooc: dude- give us a chance! lol



"Oh- so sorry-" Cerberea said. she then noticed his eyes. "You aren't... possesed by any chance... are you?" She asked casually.


"I apologize for my lack of respect..." Shadow said tonelessly. "but you wish to join me, is that not something you would want?" Shadow said casually. "What do you have that would interest me... and why woud you want to join our cause?"
OOC: :? Gunter has a point, it's like a one man show already.
OOC: it's cool though- like a lemon!
Zeke barely notices her. He just keeps walking. "Uhh.... shore...."

The newcomer smirks slightly. I want to join your cause simply because I think it's an interesting one. And in turn, I give you....

The newcomer pulls out a DVD. When he plays it, it shows a silvery-furred otter with green eyes. He fights the shadow monster from before without batting an eye. Then, he calmly takes down a whole army of smaller monsters with two friends. His fighting style is calm, collected, and intense.

"My son, Zeke. As you can see... he's on his way to his mother now." The DVD then shows Zeke in a trance, walking numbly toward the shore.
"Sure?" Cerberea said- Then she yanked him with her teeth.


"Interesting..." Shadow said coldly. "You are offering me your son... to join my cause... he interests me... but tell me- what interests you in disproving the belief that darkness is all evil? What good will it do you?" Shadow asked.


Cerberea let go. She decides to follow him.
OOC:sorry :(...i cant think of anything right now...playing KH 2....just got it.
ooc: cool!
occ:I love KH2. one thing i didn't like was the prologue. it is way too long. ic:

"theres always a way to improve fighting skills. that and what i learned if from ages ago. nevermind, i'll cope,"

like i have the last 1000 years to this day.

"and if he's not a telepath, then how did he know i thought 'exactly i'll hurt them, not kill them.', hmm?"

I sighed

"tell me this then i'm going to go back to the others."

that is, if i'm allowed.
Veemon's Followers