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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Keres sighs as he thinks he always ends up as a pillow or something, then he sniffed the air a bit then he stood up, making Cerberus' head fall onto the ground. Keres looks at Cerberus then throws his bag, his coat, and his weights on the ground beside Cerberus. Then as he was waiting for Seit to finish what he was doing, he just started training himself again, as he usually does.
No reaction came from cerberus- he was deep in concentration.
"where in hell, heaven, and earth am i going to find a damn teacher?" he had set up camp two miles from where he heard that damn bastard Shadow. he banked the fire and crawled into his bed roll.
Veemon's Followers
"I see you didn't take me seriously." Shadows voice came from around the camp.

"Try a Guardian- or a Knight of Darkness*".

*Guess who.
he jumped up "and just where the fuck am i going to get to talk to one of those?!? say 'hey i need a knight of darkness' ?"

*aw maaaaaan
Veemon's Followers
OOC:ok....Legion is Acutally CRYING! for help...we need him to get to Geon...aaand your watching this...Grusome Show ...with must be my family...anyway.

IC as Geon:
"....i knew Legion was Weak....thats why i sent him in the first place...
...i will have to meet him in the woods...." Geon said as he Teleported into the woods.
Keres looks at Cerberus and pokes him. "Hey Cerberus, can't we finish faster if we'd just help Seit?"
Cerberus got up suddenly. "SEIT!! YOUR BROTHER IS IN THE WOODS!!"
OOC: Sorry for this double post.

Keres notices that Legion was almost dieing. "Seit Stop!" Keres encases Legion up to his neck in ice. "He's dieing! We need him to get to whoever
you're looking for rememeber?"
"a 'former' knight of darkness will do."

*c'mon... guess...