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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
ooc: Damn- I've been in the hospital for just ONE AND A HALF a days- and I miss all THIS!? Damn! MUST-CATCH-UP-

ic: Blue, (in wolf form) found Ky- but he heard Cronos through mind link, and tears formed in his eyes. "Then tell me.... Why are you trying to come onto the darkness?" he replied silently, then pushed the door open to Ky's room.

He found Ky on the bed, so he jumped up and curled up beside him, and started Crying. "Ky- *sniff* I need you... *choke* Y-you're the only o-one wh-who uinderstands..." Blue sobbed beside Ky.


ic: "I don't need clothes- I'm a mythical creature. Besides, I have a sheathe." Cerberus replied to Keres. "And I'm his Guardian. Besides, I like Seit."

"Er- Really- you don't have to take Keres's Money, Seit- I can conjure money- (Guardian power# 3458: Abillity to Conjure emergency needs like food, home etc.)" Cerberus said.
Hearing Seit say "babe" Cerberus just smiled. He knew it was his fiance he was reffering to. "Yes Seit." He said obediently.

Then Keres fell on his back: "Mm? Tired? No prob, I'll can carry you." Cerberus said, he hopped a bit so that Keres would be in a secure position so he wouldnt fall, (horse riding position) then he continued in Seit's wake.
Keres was really tired out that he fell asleep on Cerberus' back.

"....." Cerberus was silent for a few seconds. "Aw... Isn't that cute? he fell asleep..." Cerberus said, mostly to himself.
A confused Ky puts down his skateboard. "Blue? What happened to you?"
As he was sleeping, Keres was blushing and wagging his tail slowly, mumbling a bit. "mmm.. coonie... you're so cute and sexy... coonie boy..." Keres mumbled in his sleep.
"It's all happening again Ky- I don't want it to happen again!" Blue sobbed, tucking his tail between his legs.


Cerberus sweat dropped. "Coonie boy?" He thought to himself. "I saw that name in a magazine once...."
"I don't understand, what's happening again, Blue?"
"EVERYTHING!!! I Cronos went to Chaos- to be taught the ways of darkness- That's what Shadow did- he went to someone to be taght the ways of darkness- AND THEN TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!!! What if that happens to Chaos too? A Dark Fallen- is very powerful... I'm afraid we won't be able to stop him..." Blue said between sobs.
As Keres was asleep on Cerberus' back, his bag fell and opened up, there were school books and a photo of a young cute racoon boy about his age, there were a lot of heart stickers on that picture.
Cerberus stopped to pick up the books, "Mm?" he noticed the picture and picked it up with his teeth, "odd... this must be-" then it hit him. "he's.... queer?" he thought. "hmmm... no need to tell anyone..." he thought himself.