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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"-Hm?" Chaos and Blue stopped and said in unison, turning their heads towards Flamey.
Mar appears just in behind Chaos and Blue ''You heard him... stop... this isn't doing any good to him, if you need to talk near him, start acting calm, why don't you get he's just a little kid and he isn't in need of seeing senseless violence?'' He said with a rather fatherly tone, even he got surprised at what the hell he was saying.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC:jeez..ive beengone awhile.

IC:Seit awakes in a black room with 2 shadows picking him up by the shirt neck.his coat fell off as he was rased way above the head of the person picking him up.Seit quickly digs in his podket for the Cards but they where now Ash.the Mans eyes Glew Red as he looked into the eye of a scared Seit."Have you forgotten me,oh my Brother?.....thats a Shame..Fevah Keditero!". Seit was thrown into the wall hard and stuck there. Geon Closed the Book of the Dead and looked at Legion,who was the 2nd person."your turn."Legion just smiled as he crept toward Seit.he looked into his eyes seductivly.he bit himon his neck while putting his hand up Seit's Shirt."You...Sick...bastard"Seit said in between groans.Legion Bit harder,removed his hand and desided to start with the Pain.Legion backed up and looked into Seits eyes.his cold blank stare was all it took for Seit to feel a chill in his back.all of a sudden,a pieceing noise could be hear in Seits mind,making him Squirm in agonny and yell as loud as he could."Legion,dont kill him.".the Man obeyed his master and the sound went away slowly.Geon Walks up to a broken Seit and lifts his drooping head."do not fear, not here to kill you yet....we still need you to kill the others...".Seit growled at Geon"what makes you think ill do that?!".
"...only the way you where so good at it before..".Seit got a Supirsed look on his face."...thats why i blacked out....i will not do your dirty work!".Seit got a Knee Hard knee to the gut by Geon.the last thing he heard before he went unconsious was geon's voice."im giving 10 ten Days..".Seit woke up in the middle of the forest.still Shaken with Fear he finds a treeto huddle up on and just shakeout of fear of what had happened...and what was going to happen.
ooc: oh boy- Youre making Cerberus's job harder- than it already is... he wouldve been there in a flash!

ic: suddenly-
out of nowhere- Cerberus came out- growling, "WHAT HAPPENED!?" he roared.
"I GOT A MISSION TO DO- AND HERE I AM, USELESS!!!" he roared again, mostly to himself.

"I'm not cut out to be a guardian... I'm sure my partner- Zeke- would not have let this happened." he sat down on the ground, hung his head- and his eyes started watering. "I've been shifting in your head- and that Geon guy, he's your brother, right? Wants you to kill them?" he said. "I-AM-NOT-GOING-TO-LET-THAT-HAPPEN." he said firmly. "I won't let you down again- I promise... if I do... I'll drop from the guardians." he sniffed. "You're in the same situation as Blue... cursed... by a similar fate. Only... Blue doesnt HAVE a guardian..." he said, he trotted over and sat beside Seit, licked him once on the cheek. "I won't fail you again..." he whispered, resting his head on Seit's lap, tearful.
Flamey blinks up at Mar. Somehow, Mar knew a bit of what he's feeling. Mar was even a Flamedramon--just without the armor that Flamedramon usually wore. He figured that he could confide in him.

"Everybody keeps fighting!" he tells Mar. "And my brother hurt someone! Help?"
startled, Cronos sat down. he frowned. 'sense when did Blue become a telepath?' he thought.
Veemon's Followers
Humon looks to kai. "your look has changed. is something wrong?"

he looks around, growling lightly, his eyes starting to glow blue.
OOC:did that for a reason Gunter,man.

IC:Seit placed a hand over Cerberus's head."its ok....dont cry...i wont do it....ill fight them till im dead...*he lefts up cerberus's head and smiled downathim*...and im already dead...come on....lets go"he patted Cerberus's fur and got up.
Kai look at Humon and said "It's nothing. Now lets keep going." Kai walked slowly as he thought to himself 'Who was that guy and how did he know I have a Brother and how did he know his coming, I didn't even sence if he is near. I hope nothing happen to Humon if my brother gets here.' A few hunder miles from town, a dark gray haired man with demon wing was walking with a sword on his side. "I sence you lil brother, now the time has come to kill you and clam shadow-demon Shurikan once I find find father tomb from that weak half Demon. I, Calub, will not let father's weapon go to wast."
He immediatly looks on Chaos and looks on him ''What... have you done...?'' He asked serenely, his tail wagging around slowly as he looked on Chaos ''...if you killed... where is that thing about being 'overprotective' you talked me about then? what about protecting him from seeing things like that? seriously Chaos... Blue... *looks on Blue* ...stop... fighting... stop making this a senseless argue... you are only making Flamey feel worse...'' He said while feeling bad for Flamey more, turning his look to him and staring on his eyes ''God... he has suffered... the same as me... damn... he is even younger...'' He thought to himself.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad