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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Zeke shakes his head clear and watches.

Flamey is looking for his friend. "Jura?! Where are you? Jura!!"
"very emotional, arent we?" Blue taunts.

"go away." Chaos sobbed.

Blue grinned. and with one arm, he slowly made Chao's head rest on his shoulder.

"It's okay." Blue said comfortingly.

"I'm- I'm sorry-" Chaos sobbed.

"let it all out." Blue said, rubbing Chaos's back.

"Blue-" Chaos threw his arm around blue.
"Flamey- over here!" Jura waved. "What's wrong?"

"yeah, just like that." Blue said, patting his Chaos's back. "hey- this... hurts... could you please make it stop?" Blue asked.

Chaos sobbed a bit, then removed his clawed gauntlet, and placed his paw on Blue's wound. "Re- Repulse The D-Darkness..." he sobbed-

Blue's wound stopped oppening, and blue sighed in relief. "Thank you, Chaos."
Flamey hugs him tightly, sobbing. "Chaos was fighting and he's gonna hurt someone and I don't know what to do!"
"oh- now- it's okay Flamey- Chaos knows when to draw the line, shhh... it's okay." Jura hugged him back.
*chases after Seit* Hey wait! You haven't told me where I am yet!
Cerberus follows seit closely. he calls back at Keres. "Hi, I'm cerberus- and you're lost somewhere in the woods. nice to meet you."

"You're still just a kid..." Blue sighed as he comforted Chaos.
Flamey stays hugging him and crying. "No it's n-not! H-he's evil!!"
''Talking about psychiatric problems... Blue's doing a good job...'' Mar thought, looked over Zeke, and then looked over on the other two, hoping they'd set it at once.

OOC: Good morning ppl! :P
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Feeling better?" Blue asked.

"Y-yeah." Chaos choked.

"Good, before we talk, about your little brothe-" Blue said, but was interrupted.

"-Flamey!" Chaos suddenly gasped. "I- I scared Flamey- what kind of a monster am I!?" he yelled- and he ran into the woods looking for Flamey, calling out his name in sadness.

"Chaos? Evil? not OUR Chaos, is he? some other Chaos? Cuz our Chaos is what you'd call... 'Anti-evil', he's a master of the dark arts though... very powerful... loses it sometimes..." Jura said, patting Flamey on the back gently.