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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
He shook his paw with his claw and then grinned ''Don't worry, I know how to take care of myself... by the way, how do you know my name?'' He asked with a bit of interest.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"super keen sense of hearing due to intense training." Chaos smiled. "-and it's written right here-" Chaos peeled a piece of paper Blue had stuck on his back in case of emergencies off his back which read 'Hi, I'm Mar! Nice to meet you!'
Mar sweatdropped ''Now THAT was unexpected, oh well...'' He said while rubbing his backhead and then cracks his neck for a bit ''Just to ask, till now, who were you going to TALK to?'' He asked Chaos.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"The fallen and the human with with an unnaturally high bloodlust and love for firearms- hopefully." Chaos shook his head. "There are so many out there who are hunting us, I just don't understand- wait- BLUE!" Chaos gasped, pointing at Blue.

"Hell yeah." Blue said. "Nice to see you again, OLD-FRIEND. where's Shadow?" Blue asked in a low voice.

"Not telling." Chaos turned his head away.

"I'm not playing games, Chaos." Blue said sternly.

"What? And you think I am? I'll die first." Chaos said bluntly

Blue sighed and shook his head. "As you wish." he tightened his blindfold, and went into his first fighting stance (Stand straight, hands on back) "Why must it always lead to this?"

"YOU tell me." Chaos said, going into his fighting stance as well. (Crouched slightly, one hand open in front of his face- the other arm stretched backward, hands slightly open)

"Let's dance." Blue said.

"I don't know how to dance." Chaos replied.

"I'll teach you" Blue said.

"I hate dancing." Chaos calmly replied.

"Neither do I, But you can learn to love it." Blue replied calmly.

"You don't say?" Chaos asked.

"Truly." Blue replied.

"Let's dance then." Chaos said calmly.

"I thought you said you didn't know how." Blue said calmly.

"I can learn." Chaos replied calmly.

"How, might I ask?" Blue asked calmly.

"You said you would teach me." Chaos replied calmly.

"Okay, break it down." Blue said calmly.

"Hurry up, my legs are getting numb." Chaos said calmly.

"It's not easy standing like this either." Blue replied calmly.

Blue and Chaos stared at each other silently for a few moments.
Suddenly, Flamey jumps between them.

"I DON'T CARE HOW TOUGH YOU ARE, IF YOU COME NEAR MY BWOTHER I'LL HURT YOU!" he screams at Blue. His claws are already beginning to glow as he pushes his inexperience to the back of his mind.

Zeke walks up calmly with his paws folded behind his head. His black clothes are on again, adding a nice contrast with his silvery fur.

"What's with the drama? C'mere, little guy." Calmly, with a friendly and disarming smile, Zeke takes a surprised Flamey's hand and shakes it.

"Looks like these two go a long way back, huh? Best to get out of the way, right?"

Flamey doesn't speak. He's still surprised at Zeke's sudden intervention and his friendliness. He steps out of the way and lets Zeke get in between them.

"Now then. So you're Chaos, huh? There's a wolf back there who will rip you to shreds if he sees you, no matter how much inexperience he has with his power. And Blue? I suggest you chill. We don't need to do this now."
''That's right'' Mar added and stared on them both ''What are you going to teach to a little kid? how to be violent and senseless? come on, you didn't seem like that Blue...'' He said with a quite diferent tone from his own.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Zeke nods and stretches nonchalantly, looking around and acting as if nobody else was even there.
Chaos looks at Blue, then at Zeke- then at Cronos- Then he looks at Mar... then at Flamey. "Firstly, I'm no ordinary flamedramon, I don't rip easily." he said. "and second- I'm not violent. I deffend what's important to me."

"I'm just setting things straight- I want to... 'meet' shadow again." Blue said tonelessly.
''Fine I take your word, but I think you shouldn't try this with him nearby...'' He said while crossing his arms and looking on Flamey, then looks on Blue ''Hmm? which business you have with Shadow?'' He asked while swishing his tail.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"oh, nothing much- I just want to... say hi." Blue said.

Chaos glared at him. "Yeah, right. you want to get back at him. don't you?" Chaos said

"oh, no- I've gotten over that. I wanna be friends now." Blue said in this wierd tone.

"I'm not stupid, blue." Chaos said.

"Couldve fooled me." Blue replied.

"uh-huh." Chaos raised an eyebrow