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Pillow fight!
a bullet whizzes past- going right through the black box.
"aww what did ya do that for? i wanted to see what it did... well atleast i still have this box" *holds up a small box with a red button and label that reads "Destroys Planet"* "well guess i should try it" *slowly lowers finger down over button. slowly... slowly... my finger touches the top of the button and starts pushing it down slowly... slowly... slowly... the button clicks when it reaches the bottom and the camera zooms out to show the entire galexy* BOOM! *mars explodes and the camera zooms back to show me* "well it dident say which planet :P "
Martians suddenly teleport besideCM, restrain him, and teleprt away with him.
*a few minuts later i leteport back, covered in green blood and an evil look in my eye* "now THAT was fun!"
Martians come back with party hats. "that was a blast! call us!" one of them said, giving him a card, and teleporting away again.
Dridien bigolo intergalactic gigolo. *looks at the remains of the black box* Think we can track them to area 51 with this thing?
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Gunter finally comes to. "m-my hair... how's my hair..."
Hold that thought, *smashes every nearby mirror* It looks great!
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"thanks- I thought I would die!"
Don't worry the ladies love the wet look. My figuring is it makes them think of swimming, which makes them picture guys in speedos, which makes them picture guys naked, which...well I'm sure you can guess.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad