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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"woah- those two look... *ahem* intense."
Being an otter, Zeke can hold his breath for a long time. With a rare grin on his face, he waits until Mar decids to let go.
He could hold his breath quite some time too, decided to quickly pull him up in his strong grip, which started to look more like a hug and he grinned ''Down again!'' He chuckled and then he slammed both of them inside the water again.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
This time, the slam knocks a bit of wind out of Zeke and he chokes a bit, but then quickly regains his composure and begins swimming around just like that, with Mar on his back.
just then- Blue is knocked into the air- he lands on his feet- and grabs his katanas from a boulder.

a deafening roar is heard.

"Crud- I knew it!" Blue said.

a demon compromised of water jumped out and attacked Blue.

"y-you! I thought Zaine sealed you!" Blue gasped.

"apparently, I got out." The demon said.
"And you're going back in," mutters Zeke. "Aquitor Manipura...."

He begins controlling the water again. It begins sucking the water demon under.
He started enjoying how Zeke moved him around in the water and grinned, but he noticed something outside and got out again, he looked seriously at the demon ''I don't think he's a friend of yours...'' He said as he narrowed his eyes.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Zeke's eyes are glowing blue. The undertow grows stronger and stronger, sucking the demon down.
The monster laughed. it turned into a flood- and washed everyone into a corner.

Blue got up- and put his hands together.

"Praying for your life already? pathetic." the monster said.

"Nope." Blue said. "Guardian of Water in sanctum's bask- help me with this horrid task."

the water started converginginto one- and then.

"You rang?" Zaine asked.

"NO-" the monster said fearfully.

"Oh, I see leviathan fell asleep again. oh well-" she does a strange gesture- and absorbs the demon.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..." the demon yelled as it disappeared.

"Thanks Zaine!" Blue said.
Zeke had hit his head on the wall and is just barely conscious. Ky is hanging onto Blue.