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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Somewhere in the depths of hell, scarlet sat on the ground, panting. in front of her, countless bodies of demons lay in their own blood.

A figure appears in front of her- he appeared to be a human in a white tux with bare feet- hen was grinning sinisterly. "Oh- so an angel DID mannage to reach me. What do you want?" He asked cheerfully.

Scarlet got up and brushed her hair from her eyes. "I have a bone to pick with you, Lucifer. Then I have an 'appointment' with a certain impatient sonnofabitch-fallen." She said mennacingly.
"Don't worry about what happened. Now that's done, lets head to the hot springs." said Kai as he leaded the group to the dressing room that's connected to the hot springs. "Here we are, there should be towels to use, and baskets to hold our cloths. Now lets go in." said Kai as he open the door.
"-and this concerns me, how?" Lucifer said boredly, inspecting his nails.

"Don't you get it? The creature used to be a GUARDIAN- when he destroys them- he'll barge right on down here and conquer it!" Scarlet yelled.

Lucifer put his hand down, looking more serious. "Guardian you say? hmmm... no, Guardians have laws and rules. barging into hell and taking over is against those- we are, after all, in a forced truce."

"You don't get it. HE is no no ordinary guardian..." Scarlet whispered.

"Really now?" Lucifer said unineterestedly. "Now why is that? How could he be different?"

Scarlet straightened up. "he is the first guardian... who has fallen from Sanctum... Fallen... Guardian."

Lucifer's eyes glinted. "Fallen Guardian? this is very serious then..." He said seriously. "Thank you Seraph- I will look into this." he said, and then disappeared.

Scarlet gave him the finger, and then vanished in a whisp of light- to the dessert of oblivion- one thing on her mind: "That Is It, Chronos."
ok. maybe i should have waited."where the hell am i?!?" yep scarlet was going to kick my ass when she got here...if she finds me. i crossed over the next dune and saw the bloodbath that had taken place an hour ago."holyshitwhatthehellhappendthisisfuckinginsane!"
Veemon's Followers
"umm... does anyone have an extra change of clothes I can borrow until I can make a new set?" he says as he grabs a towel and sets it aside on the ground.
"these are kinda...old..." as he slightly tugs at his collar, his shirt finally falls apart and settles on the ground.
"...bound to happen" he says as he walks into the springs.

OOC: Bounces back and hits the wall turning it to dust. "what the hell?!?"

IC: he takes off the bottom half as he enters the water and throws it to the ground by his towel. he slowly sits down soaking in the warmth of the water letting out a low moan "mmmmmmmm...this water is sooo warm..."
Ky shrugs and takes off both, and, being the gung-ho hyperactive type at times, runs up and does a cannonball into the spring with a whoop. He surfaces and shakes some of the water from his face.

"Whoo! This water's great! Wha... WHOOOA!"

With a loud splash, he falls backward into the water and Zeke surfaces, shaking his head clear.

"Did he HAVE to land on me?"
hot water splashes in his face "whaaah!!! holy crap! hot! hot!!" starts hopping around the water trying to cool down. "damn that was hot!!!" he says as he slaps the water, splashing Ky with a small wave of water.
Ky grins and shakes it off. "It's not that hot!"

Zeke nods. "I agree, but I almost live in the water so I'm biased."
after recovering from the shock of the scene, I saw bloody footprints leading away from the camp."someone is going to pay." I walked off in the direction that the footprints led. the unholysonofabitch was going to pay. I just hope against hope that it wasn't her. I wonder if they've noticed i've gone. nope they were on a beeline to the hotsprings.
Veemon's Followers
he nods as he raises his hands "this is going to get hot" he says with a sly wink.
Small jets of fire skim across the water as steam forms over the water.

" anyone?" he says with a blush