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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"so, where are we going?" Cerberus said suddenly from seit's side.
"I shouldve done that earlier-" Blue said, "You seem in pretty bad shape- I can heal you if you want?" He offered.
"It's okay Flamey, I know Shadow is... scary. and... well... sigh. Shadow may seem scary, but don't worry, he won't hurt you. He never lies." Chaos said, wrapping his arms around his little brother. "He likes to talk in riddles sometimes, if you don't understand, don't be afraid to ask him- but I want to tell you something... we are at war with an enemy who's numbers get bigger and bigger. I'm afraid that if we lose... shadow's sacrifices will have been for nothing- Flamey- when that happens- I want you to go back to the digiworld, without me."
Flamey shakes his head, apparently terrified at the idea.
"But bwother, I can't! Mommy and Daddy and me missed you and I came to get you and now you're here, and I can't leave you and let you die, I can't!"
Chaos smiled painfully, and patted his little brother on the head. "Don't worry Flamey, I won't die, I'm strong." he said. Chaos glanced at the place where Shadow dissapeared to. "I'm strong, because Shadow saved me from deletion..."
"Then lets go, I'll lead the way and my name's Kai and what's your?" asked Kai with a happy face.
"none of your consern Cerberus....we,meaning me and Cain, must go to search for my memorys,so that i can find the guy that killed me...and finally be at peace....i dont think we will see each other again....Good bye"Seit turn around and walks away.
"I'm Humon...and sorry about my reaction... sorry" he says appologetically.
Ky grins. "That's cool. No worries. Uh... what was it...? 'Hakuna Matata,' right?"
Blue Rover Wrote:'Scarlet, where are you? we need to talk. not here, this is confidential crap that is worthless unless belived in, Prophesy. oh, and we need to find one Sothe. i just figured out that he is a friggen prophet who is going to be one pain-in-the-ass' he looked at the clock. "5...4...3...2...1..." he suddenly felt as though he had just had a good nights sleep and a lot of caffine. "Midnight."


"Midnight" said a lone girl standing on a sand dune. she was major Sothe of the u.s. army. her battion was killed and she was the only one left. but the visions she had, and the acursed Headaches! she swore they were killing her. she had no guns, food, or water-only a knife. she had been in the desert for days. then suddenly she had a vision. she now knew the enemy was asleep over the next dune. she knew there were no sentries, no one awake. it was time.

occ: seeming as though the d-world is full of prophesies... i'll get the profile later. welcome humon! glad you could join us!

I swore i posted this...
hight: 5'5"
eye color:gold
apperence:tattered miltary uniform (desert como) hair is black and shoulder-length
weapons:guns esp. snipers. her new powers that come with the prophet package.
personality:strightforward but fallows oders to the letter and more,but not afraid to point a gun at her higher up for torching his work.
Veemon's Followers
Cerberus shook his head. "NO can do. I am your a Guardian, and must do this- whether I or you like it or not." He said, not even looking at Seit- but continuing to walk beside him anyway.

"You know, there are so many things I can help you with. If only you told me you were looking for the guy that killed you- I couldve looked it up for you." Cerberus said coldly. "I have access to the list of people who have been killed, and how they have been killed. A friend of mine looks after it."
the enemy camp was a complete and utter mess. blood was everywhere bodies were lay where they've been all night. in the middle of it all was sothe. she bagan to walk off into the desert of oblivion.

"the next time i see Scarlet i'm going to bring her to the crusp of death" he muttered darkly. he then teleported to the Desert of oblivon.
Veemon's Followers