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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Seit:ah...thank you..

*seit walks "Down The Road" to the Hospital,he gets to the place and walks in*

Seit:.....what am i waiting for...

Cronos wakes up laughing his ass off. he just had the funniest dream of ky falling through a b-ball hoop. "i should go see how they are doing"
after taking a shower he begins to walk to the basketball courts.
Veemon's Followers
"Brother-" Chaos tried to chase after him, but Shadow held him back.

"No Chaos. Let him do what he wants. we do not own him." Shadow said.

"That was harsh... does everyone see us this way? Just because we believe that there is hope for our kind?" Vajura said dejectedly. hew was very fond of Flamey.

"meh... That's why we have to do this. I believe in our survival." Vermilion added.

"Brother..." Chaos said sadly. tears streaming down his eyes. "he- he could get lost in the forest..."

Vajura spread his wings. "I'll follow him. just to make sure he get's out alright." and flew off.

"It's okay Chaos, it's his decision to make. we cannot force him. besides- he's your brother, and no matter what you are, he'll always love you." Shadow comforted Chaos, and Chaos cried on his Shoulder.

"Flamey. I understand how you feel. you were raised to hate the darkness, and I don't hate you for that. I am not going to lie, I am a killer. but I only kill if it's neccesary. please becareful- and if you get lost, I will know." Shadow said to Flamey through a mindlink.

"okie Ky! er- where's the ball?" Scarlet looked around.
Zeke* (the Guardian) appears beside Seit, Along with Cerberus and Cerberea.

"Sorry I'm late, I am Zeke, Guardian of The Ethereal Plane and The Underworld. You must be Cain and Sieit- I'm just here to give you a few pointers." Zeke said.
Flamey freezes in his tracks as he hears Shadow's voice. He falls to his knees, tears streaming down his face.

"It's not fair.... I don't wanna leave my bwother.... But I... just...."

He gives a defeated sigh. "I don't know what I want...."

Ky picks it up and passes it to her. "Right here!
"yap!" Scarlet catches the ball- and runs around the court without dribbling, aparently having so much fun, that she's laughing while she runs. ( :roll: )


"He doesn't want you to leave him either, he's very lonely you know. specially since his only companions are a trio of busy, sadistic yet friendly individuals like me. you do what you think is right, Flamey. It's your choice. I don't suggest you choose us, cause- we're kind of... infamous 'monsters', and you might get caught in one of the peoples 'monster hunts'. though your brother loves you very much, I don't think it's wise to stay with us. but it's your choice, and I'm not going to force you. Follow your heart, Flamey. It's something I should've done years ago." Shadow said.

Just then, two massive arms were around Flamey, giving him a gentle hug. he could feel the warm breath on his neck.

"It's okay Flamey, don't cry. You have lot's of time to make a dicision." Jura whispered gently, not knowing that one of his dragon-hands were resting on Flamey's pouch as Jura hugged him.
Seit:hmm......well if no ones gonna show im going to wait for them here...i guess

*seit Walks to a Chair in the lobby,sits and falls asleep with Cain on his arm,cuddling up next to his Painted face.*
"Hey!" Ky laughs. "You're supposed to dribble!"

Flamey nearly jumps out of his skin, especially because of the location of Jura's hand.

"W-when did you come?"
Zed: HEL-LO, I'm right here. were you not listening to me? (taps Seit on the shoulder)


"er... dribble?" Scarlet asked confusedly. "is that when you bounce the ball- or when you pass it?"


"I admit- I just got worried that you'd get lost. your big bro's crying, and- sigh. I got worried. that's all." Jura said, oblivious of where his hand was resting.
Ky shakes his head. "Dribble is bounce. Passing is just called passing."

Flamey sniffs a bit. "I d-don't... want him... to cwy.... I'll go back.... But first...."

Flamey wipes his eyes and stops crying, and then looks up at him. "C-can you move your hand? It feels strange there."
*seit Wakes up,flinging Cain Across the room.*
Seit:Who?.....Who are you?