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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
OOC: Ouch, sorry then, Rover. Well, just pop up when you can, okay?
OCC: yeah, we'll miss you!
Ky grins. "Too late. It was already ignoring you."

I never thought I'd be talking to a skateboard....

"Hang in there, Blue!"
"are you so sure? Bladeboard- to Blue!" Vagabond commanded, and the skateboard went for blue- who parried it, it rebounded off- cutting a bit of Vagabond's fur off, to his surprise. "pretty fast..."

"Heh- I've got my ups and downs..." Blue grunted.
alright, here goes:
For God, and for the followers of his divinity.
For all that is holy and just.
I shall not kill nor harm those that do not worship evil's might.
I shall never falter in the face of evil.
I shall overcome all trials thrown at me.
I shall obey the law of the Archangels, and obey the Law of God.
And with the blessings of God, I cast myeslf upon thee, and bound myself to my duties.
As an Archangel.
As a herald of God."
Veemon's Followers
Ky grins. "Great shot, Blue!"

OOC: This fight scene's been going on forever lol.
OCC: Lol, it's going to end soon enough!


"well, that's done." Nathan said softly. he then aproached Cronos, and put his hand on Cronos's shoulder. "you were great Cronos, you deserve to be... an Archangel."

Cronos began glowing, his wings transformed, three pairs of angel wings were there, and he was wearing armor that was somewhat similar to Nathan's, he even had a helm that covered his face.

"your first mission... is to return the light of hope to the people of Trans." Nathan said suddenly.
Da WOLFE Wrote:OOC: This fight scene's been going on forever lol.

occ: no kidding!

ic: wha-but i have to save my friends and lovers first!
Veemon's Followers
"Hmf, you have no choice. your duty to God is more important." Nathan said coldly- but-

"Hello Nathan, still so cranky?" Moonshadow taunted behind Nathan.

"What the- MOONSHADOW!!! you cant come barging in here like you own the place!!! YOURE NOT EVEN DEAD!!! -and my name's NATHANIEL!!!" Nathan shouted.

"Whatever Nathan, I'm here to collect Cronos." Moonshadow said boredly.

"OVER-MY-ASHEN-REMAINS-YOU WILL!!! an archangel is bound to his duties to GOD!!! if he doesnt do it, he'll go directly to HELL!!!" Nathan roared.

"An archangel may be bound to his duties as a Herald of God..." Moonshadow said, as he grabbed Cronos. "But a Fallen is not."

"y-you wouldnt dare..." Nathan stuttered

"Yes-I-Would." Moonshadow replied. he slammed his open glowing palm into Cronos's chest.

"MOONSHADOW!!!" Nathan roared, he summoned a sword compromised of holy light. "in the name of God- DO NOT DO THAT-"

"Holy energies deep within,
may your grip on him grow thin...
" Moonshadow began.

Nathan slashed at him, but he grabbed the light blade with one hand, crushed it, then pushed nathan back.

"-remove the burden of God's holy whim,
revert the oath of the seraphim....

"STOP IT!!!!" Nathan yelled. he attacked moonshadow again- but moonshadow parried and countered.

"revelation that took place here,
break your grip and Disapear!
" Moonshadow continued.

"please... moonshadow... I beg of you..." Nathan dropped to his knees.

"HEAR MY VOICE! DONT PERSERVERE! ARISE FALLEN!!! YOURE NO LONGER AN ANGEL HERE!!!" Moonshadow finished, and cronos went flying, landing on his back, his wings change from divine white, to grievous black.
his eyes snapped open and he gasped in the best breath of air he ever had sence he could not breathe through the ritual. he stood up shakaly.
"Guntor? what happened?" he rubbed his head. "and does anyone have any aspren? my head is killing me!"
Veemon's Followers