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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
he is my god-damned father.
a red japanese symbol formes around Dante
suddenly he appered in front of dante and slashed at him
that was for aceppting the gift!
Veemon's Followers
occ: you shouldve explained beforehand! :shock:

ic: Dante effortlessly blocks Cronos. "yes, let it all out, son." dante said, as he pushed Cronos away. he then waved the red japanese symbol away with one hand, cancelling it. "Take it all out on me, it's all my fault. I was too weak to stop her- I didnt accept the dark gift... she forced it on your mother and me." He said, Kneeling down and sticking his sword on the ground. "...then SHE came back... you were just a baby then, she killed your mother- I tried to save you- but she killed me too... I'm so happy you made it..."


Vegarel didnt do anything, she had her back turned on him, but she was speaking to Ky in a normal voice, not menacing, not seductive, normal.

"hahaha... I'm not wrinkled.... I'm not fat, I'm not ugly... and I admit... we're pretty level now... Baby-Blue did a pretty huge number on me... it hurt." Vegarel whispered.
Ky growls, surprised at her sudden change in tone but not showing that it fazed him at all.

I'll never trust her.... this could be another dumb trick to get me to drop my guard.... Well it's not gonna happen.... It can't.... Moonshadow's somewhere in another dimension, Cronos is who-knows-where becoming an archangel, and Khoi and Mullen I haven't seen since the hotel. Nobody to back me up. One foul move and I'm completely done for....
Vegarel laughed.

"youre so tense, I can cut it with a knife... hehehe... look at us... all alone... no one to help you... no one to hear you scream..." Vegarel said.

suddenly- her appearance changed- back to Scarlet. "NO VEG!- DONT DO IT!!! YOU KILLED CRONOS- I AM NOT LETTING YOU TAKE MIKAEL TOO!!!" Yelled Scarlet, trying to take control- But Vegarel took control again.

"Urgh- except- her- *huff-huff* I'm having a hard time keeping you in, little-red, I'd apreciate it if you just stayed in there!" Vegarel said, falling to her knees.
occ: where are Khoi and Mullen? I havent heard from them in a long time!
OOC: GabumonFurry says he's out and Mullen just vanished. Guess he was better at magic than we thought....

IC: Ky takes advantage and clobbers Vegarel in the back with both fists.

"Gotcha! Thanks, Scarlet!"
if its not your fult then i can't pin any blame on you. rest in peace...father.

starts to cry

i need to be alone for awhile

walks away. sobbing can be heard. comes back ten minets later.

lets get a move on, nathainal.

opens a telepathic link to the mind of scarlet.

(you must keep fighting her. do not let up. you are Ky's only hope untill i can help. please fight her.)

occ: you don't know that i'm becoming an arch. mullen is full of magic tricks.
Veemon's Followers
OOC: lol Sorry.
occ: np
Veemon's Followers
Dante bows his head, Nathaniel decends from above. (!?)

N: so how did it feel to meet your son again, Dante?

D: ... it was great- youve gotten so strong... your mom and I miss you so much, Cronos- and here you are- tying to become an Archangel!

N: Thats nice Dante, it's time to go back to your wife now, Dante.

D: thank you Nathaniel. I'll see you soon, son. *walks away, his sword on his shoulder*

N: -That... was your father's spirit. surprising, no? how did you feel? did it feel good to cry? meeting him again? *but before Cronos could answer-* -but theres no time for a Chat! NEXT TEST!!! (50 cages apear randomly in the sky) you have 2 minutes and 30 seconds to free 50 angels, and impress me with your flying skills.


"argh-" grunted vegarel, then scarlet apeared again.

"Dont- urgh- w-worry Mikael! I-I I'll- *grunt!* -try to h-help! -AH! Cronos!? y-youre alive- no! wait- youre dead and- ...YES CRONOS! I'll do my best!!!" Scarlet said, as she tried to keep Vegarel in her subconcious- but Vegarel overpowered her again.

"VANISH- you stuborn bitch!" Yelled vegarel, shye then choked Ky with one hand, raised him up, and slammed him down on the ground, shattering it. she then jumped back- prepairing another attack, she then launched herself at Ky, about to impale him through the chest- but Scarlet got out again and stopped her, inches from Ky's chest.

"Mi-Mik! I hope y-you dont mind m-me calling y-you Mik- use your skateboard- er- B-Bladeboard!"