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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
umm kaaaay. if you say so gunthor.
bows down on one kneeand bows his head.
I Seek Divine Redemption. I want to redeem myself for my sins. I beg you to open my eyes to holy revelation. I came by the order of The Guardian Moonshadow
if i get killed, again, gunthor i'll see if the devil will let me hunt you.
Veemon's Followers
"hahaha... dont worry, Devils arent so bad... but this archseraph- is a bit strained. I'd watch it if I were you." said Gunter.

(back at the 15th heaven of redemption)

"wait a sec- MOONSHADOW!? oh no- not another one! hold on!" The Archseraph said, then he turned around again, and summoned the winged headset.

"Another gate-crasher sent by ol' Moonshadow! -YES ANOTHER ONE!!! ...huh? ...I see SERIOUSLY!? argh! that arrogant Guardian thinks he's above us- he thinks he can do anything he wants- forcing us to perform another holy redemption and- WHAT!? he IS!? -but- but- but sir! I- I understand. okay. okay. okay. yes. yes. YES. YES. FINE, OKAY!? JUST FINE!!!" he takes off the headset and angrily throws it away, it dematerializes inh mid-air.

"ahem, sorry you had to hear that. Okay, you want Divine Redemption, and your Eyes open to Holy Revelation. you are of the Vampire race, right? that means... *sigh* you'll have to take the path to Archangelhood... ohhh... I hate my job..*rolls eyes* Tell me, how many lives have you taken?" said the Archseraph.
occ: LoL!!! I crack myself up! an Archseraph with a bad temper + a radio = amusement
if you count the momsters that i killed, i'd be some where around 15.
Veemon's Followers
the archseraph grins. "your honesty is... hm. okay, what about human lives?"[/i]
jumps in for no reason justs erase these ,

gunter umm you forgot about making yourself a new yahoo account for yim its not that hard T.T.
Veemon's Followers
occ: thats what pms are for

ic:none that i can remember. though i really want to kill one person who has gotten my speacle atention.then there was one that i gave a good beating for harrassing my friend.
Veemon's Followers
occ: Oh shoot! I knew I forgot something! I'm so sorry Mowgly! I've been preoccupied lately, with blue on his nature walk and all, me trying to figure out how to lower the drawbridge- I think it's stuck! the account must
Ky looks over at Moonshadow.

"By the way. I never got a chance to thank you for this skateboard. It completely rocks! Well anyway, thanks."
an archsaphrim that hates honisty
and i wasn't a vampire by chioce, you know i just learnd to live with it 2 its the vampire who loves killing NOT me. 3 they are my lovers reguardless of sex 4 is jaywalking a sin? 5 sorry bout giggling at you its just that i feel like a kid
takes Nathaniel's hand
i'm Cronos Blackwing. and why directly to archangel? why am i bypassing the angel statis?
Veemon's Followers