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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
(somwhere in the ethereal plane)

Moonshadow puts his hand over Cronos's body.

"hear me, forces of heaven and hell! hear my voice! I command you, send this damned soul to the lord for holy redemption!!! in the name of the great lord above- I command you!!! I order... HOLY-REVELATION!!!"

the heavens roared, and hell screamed, the earth shook, and lightning flashed. a beam of light hit cronos's body, sending his soul to the legendary 15th heaven of redemption.

"good luck... Chronos."
OOC: I replied just before ya.
"WHAT KIND OF WEAPON IS THAT!?" yelled Vegarel, clutching her deep cuts.

"Why- why did it hurt!?"
Blue: woah! that board's imbued with the powers of darkness and light- like my katanas!!! cool!!!
"Hm." He grins. "My secret. Or rather... Moonshadow's secret." He launches the skateboard at her with his feet, the blades aim for her side. The board lands on the ground and he jumps and lands on it.
(Vegarel grins lustfully)

a black pillar burst out of the ground, knocking Ky and the board away.

"I see... It's time to get serious..." she is suddenly healed, and she opens her wings.

"come on boys, I know you want me..."

occ: uhm, I have to- er- go! see you later!
OOC: Okay, see ya!

IC: Ky lands on his feet, catching the board in one hand.
occ: right in the middle of a fight scene. thats as bad as a cliffy

ic: where am i?...
is this hell?...
or is this hevan?...
and if it is hevan...
how did i get here?...
for the vampire is a damned thing.
Veemon's Followers
[an Archseraph descends, landing in front of Cronos]

"What the- !?" exclaimed the Archseraph.

(he closes his six wings, and glares at cronos for a while, then he conjures a white, winged headset with a microphone, puts it on, and turns his back on Cronos)

"forced entrance, sector 15. I dont know how he got here- NO! No, stay there! I think I can do this by myself- what do you mean back-up? I dont NEED back-up! -and since when have you ever backed me up? uh-huh... fine! good day to you too!!! OVER!" he yells angrilly at the microphone, and the headset dematerializes.

he turns to Cronos. "Sorry about that. What are you doing here, vampire? state your business and blah-blah-blah what ever." the Archseraph said, rolling his eyes
back at the ethereal plane, Moonshadow links with Cronos.

"Cronos, tell him: "I Seek Divine Redemption. I want to redeem myself for my sins. I beg you to open my eyes to holy revelation. I came by the order of The Guardian Moonshadow." and bow down on one knee, bow your head, dont look into his helm until he talks to you." Moonshadow instructed.