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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Just wait until this game is over, Carterson.... Bux thinks.

Ky continues refereeing with Cheveyo, the game ends and the Cubs win!

He suspects that Bux will be after trouble, so he breaks to the locker room and grabs his skateboard, not wanting to make a scene with Bux.

Meanwhile, Bux looks around for him. His teammates are being cautious, not wanting to get in his way but not wanting the innocent referee to get hurt for just doing his job. He suspects that the girl from before might know where he is, so he goes up to her.

"Excuse me, do you know where that... Mikael Carterson guy went?"
(Scarlet was about to open her mouth to answer- when she suddenly clutched her head, and screamed in pain) No Veg- No! Please- I beg you! not now- please! she plead in her mind. Her blood red pupils changed their shape for a split second. then she stood straight up.

"Yes I do, Bux, is it? follow me, big guy..." she said, walking slowly into the deserted locker-room, gesturing him to come in.
"I dont want to be heard, I'll tell you in here..." said Scarlet, her voice seductive once more. she shuts the door with a soft snap, waiting for Bux to come in.
"Wha.... Oh, sure, whatever, but I just hope you know that's the guys locker room...." He follows her.
occ: i was at a rave all night and i'm still alive. you might need to use the tranquliser gun for my own good. and i got b-ball practice today...

Ic: Cronos: these two chemicals should do the trick *pours them into a phile*
Michel: hey whats that fizzing sound?
Cronos: shit. its superheating. at a very violent rate. you know the drill. hit the deck! *dives under a desk*
michel: *gets under desk* fu... gust then the chemical burst into flames and made the explosion the size of a small bomb.
Veemon's Followers
as soon as the door snaps shut, she grabs Bux by his throat, and locks her lips onto his, devouring his life, and sucking out his soul. she then drops his souless, lifeless, "empty" body to the ground. her pupils return to normal, she looks dazed.

"Veg- what happened!? what did you- *Gasp!* No! Veg- you didnt-"

(vegarel comes out of her body in a transparent form)

"Kill him? hahaha... of course not, Red. he's just sleeping... forever. all I did was take his soul and his life source, was-that-so-wrong?" Vegarel's essence asks in a mock-innocent voice.

"Veg! you monster!" Scarlet cries, dropping to her knees, her eyes brimming with tears.

"oh come now sweety, I know you hated him, I know that deep down inside... you wanted him dead. I just did you a favor-" Vegarel cooed, rubbing the sobbing Scarlet's shoulders.

"Veg, please, give him his life and soul back... I beg you Veg... please..." sobbed Scarlet.

"shhhh, nothing can bring the dead back to life." Vegarel said in a soft voice, as though she was comforting scarlet.

"You can! and-and I know he's not dead- you have his life and soul- give them back!" Scarlet screamed.

"awww... is widdle wed angwy? thats so cute... thats good of you to know he's not dead though. just lifeless" Vegarel teased, pinching Scarlet's cheek.

"Please Veg. Give him back his life and soul. have mercy..." Scarlet said softly. sniffing and sobbing.

"keh- fine. but youre no fun!" Vegarel said. she walked over to Bux's lifeless body, and kissed it again, making his life... his soul flow back into his body. he opens his eyes slowly, he had forgotten everything that had happened during that day. "there, ya happy now? he's a good kisser, but still not as good as Mikie..." vegarel said nastily.

"you leave Mikael alone!!!" Scarlet screamed suddenly.

"ohhh, temper-temper... red. you wouldnt want me to go after Mikie- your "boyfriend" now, would you?" Vegarel whispered menacingly, Bux is unconcious.

"H-He's not my Boyfriend! I-" Scarlet said, but Vegarel interrupted her.

"-oh goody! he's single! So... can I have him? hehehe..." she chuckled menacingly.

"I swear- if you harm Mikael, I'll"

"You'll what, huh? what? puh-leeze, why? do you think he's going to love you back? why would he love a useless stupid Mortal like you? hm? youre nothing! nobody loves you! nobody likes you! you have NO friends! and if you did... I'd kill them." Vegarel Said Nastily and Menacingly. "Ha-ha-ha... hahhahahaha.... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" she laughed menacingly, as she dematerialized in to mist, going back into scarlet's subconcious.

Scarlet drops down to all fours, and cries. she just cries and cries in sorrow, sadness, and self-pity. she hits the ground with a fist, over-and over again. crying out loud, she was really hurt, Vegarel's harsh words had cut her deep... she really liked Ky.
OCC: better start huntin.

ic: Cronos: *wakes up and moans* what happend? *looks over at lab which is nothing but bolders* fucking hell!
michel: *wakes up* what are you yelling bout. *sees lab* oh.
Cronos: salvege anything. *starts shifting through the rubble*
Veemon's Followers
Ky hears the commotion coming from the lockers and listens at the door as it happens. A low growl comes from his throat as Vegarel leaves.

"So that's the story.... stupid Vegarel.... Just wait till Moonshadow hears about this.... Which reminds me, I still need to thank him for my skateboard!"

He sighs and walks off, finding the time too awkward to talk to Scarlet.
occ: i got back from b-ball practice, and i'm felling better than i thought i would.

Ic: michel: Cronos look at this!
Cronos: *walks over to michel and sees a puddle of black on the ground* i think we found out how to make oblivion. *sees Ky* hey Ky get over here!
michel: i'll get a container.
Veemon's Followers
Ky stops his skateboard next to Cronos.

"Hey, what's up-- and what the heck is that?!"
occ: I have decided to play Blue while he's gone. to tell the truth, I'm kinda worried.

ic: Scarlet finally gets up, wipes away her tears, and walks out of the locker room, leaving bux's unconcious form on the floor, she was still sniffing.

meanwhile, Moonshadow was busy training Blue to reach his maximum power in another dimension.

M: just keep that up, youre fast reaching your full capabilities.

B: *grunt!* r-really? for a moment there, I thought that was just me losing my powers from exaustion! D.Blue said Sarcastically.