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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
The Bears coach calls for a time-out. Ky blows his whistle and watches the tem go discuss yet another strategy with their coach.

"Nothing foul so far.... A pretty good game. Wish I was playing.... This referee stuff is pretty fun, but I think playing a game would be more fun."

Suddenly, one of the players from the Bears team comes up to Ky, despite calls of, "No, Bux, let it go!" coming from the rest of the team.

'Bux' looks angry. "Mikael Carterson, is it. What's wrong with you? Why didn't you call that foul that dirty Cub put on me?!"

Ky shakes his head. "Sorry, man, I was right there. I didn't see any fouls, and neither did Cheveyo or he would have called it."

"Yeah, right! You're workin' for the Cubs! Dirty cheater! Bux pushes Ky back hard. Ky nearly falls, but he lands back on his hands and pushes himself up again. He stares silently at Bux."

Within seconds, school security comes out to the court. Bux haltsthem by holding up a hand.

"I'm keeping my eye on you, Carterson." He walks away, not noticing the apologetic glances given to Ky by the rest of the Bears team. The security makes sure Ky's okay and then leaves as well. Ky shakes his head and goes to the sideline, as it's the other referee's (Cheveyo's) turn to give the toss-up.

"Great. Looks like I've made a new friend."
(scarlet looks at Bux, puzzled)

why did he get mad at Mikael? Something about not calling someone a foul... something... I should ask him. she thought, not knowing a thing about Basketball, she follows Bux, and taps him on the shoulder.

"excuse me, but why are you mad at the referee?"
"Cause he's a lying dirty cheater, why's it your concern?"
he is? what did he do?
-and I know that Mikael would never cheat, he's a really fair person.
The coach turns to her.

"Well, thanks for sticking up for our referees, but you need to go back to your seat."
oh... okay, I'm sorry. I just wanted to know the rules. (she goes back to her seat, thinking confusedly about Bux's actions)
(she looks at Bux, she is slightly angry that he shoved Ky like that)

"Rough." was all she said.
Ky scratches his head as the game continues, searching for any foul play among the team.

One of the Bears slaps the arm of one of the Cubs in an attempt to get the ball-- a foul.

Ky blows his whistle loudly and calls the foul, and takes the ball to the other team. Cheveyo takes note of it as well.

Immediately, Bux creates an uproar, with the rest of the Bears trying to calm him down.

"That was NOT a foul!! What the heck kinda call was that, Carterson?!"

Ky rolls his eyes and continues his job.

"I wonder who's really cheating here...." he says to himself.
(Scarlet is still confused)

What does that do? that Bux is a very rude person. -she said to herself. inside her, her anger for bux grew.