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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"hey... wanna' go to a back alleyway or something? where we could be alone...."
"Alone... Sounds... n-nice...."
[moonshadow is now in town]

"now where are they?"

[he scans the whole town with his powers, but vegarel is very crafty- she cloaked them in an anti-scan spell.]

"Vegarel... dont do it...."
"c'mon..." she said, leading him in a deserted warehouse.
"nice here... isnt it?"
Ky, no longer in control of himself, moves to the said alleyway....
[alleyway warehouse]

she pulls down both of the straps on her shoulders, and the upper half of her dress slips down...
occ: I have to log out, see ya later! :D
Ky shakes his head clear, the spell breaks, but only for a second-- it immediately regains control of him....

OOC: Okay, see ya!
"what a strong will, I like this guy..." she thought.

she presses her lips on Ky's muzzle... and gives him a long passionate kiss.
she withraws and licks her lips, then she turns around.
"never had sex before... only foreplay... great athletic skills... strong magical capabilities... still uncontrollable." she thinks. that kiss was like a scan, she absorbed a bit of his mind.

somewhere else in town:

Moonshadow is starting to get worried.
"thats it. I'm going to reach out to him." said Moonshadow to himself
he connects with Ky's mind.
"Ky. Ky. unlock the magic within. use it, before it's too late. use the spell you used last time... try Ky, try." "that did it. now all I can do... is wait for him to use it, and then I can home in on his emotions and *mana-runes."
*Mana-rune: the measurement used in magic.
Cronos had been watching Ky and Vegarel from the roof top when the had dissapperd in an ally wherehouse he sliently made his way to the barn door to see what was happning
Veemon's Followers