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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Ky catcher her, determined to find out about her before something happens to him-- he does a quick scan of her mind....
[she increases her seduction powers]
"maybe this'll get him to get a kick-start." she thought.

she tests the results, by dropping one of clothes straps, it slipped down her shoulder.

"oops, naughty strap..." she whispers seductively, slowly pulling it back up.
[she blocks her mind with a powerful mind blocker]

"naughty-naughty, no peeking!" she thought.
Ky growls slightly.

Maybe... Moonshadow... will... help.... His eyes glaze over, his face turns red under his fur at the sight of her strap.
[she feeds him false details about her]

"I see Moony explained this to you, Moony is getting on my nerves... for someone so irresistable..." she thought.
in another dimension: blue is blindfolded, and chained to a wall.

Moonshadow: now concentrate on shattering the chains that bind you, the chains represent your past, if you conquer your past, the chains will break, setting you free- (his ears perk up, and his fur stands on end) oh no- Vegarel! wait here Blue! (he dissapears)

Scarlet/Vegarel: oh Mikie, you have such strong arms...
Ky is now lost to himself, his emotions, his very being, are somehow being manipulated or controlled....

"Thanks... and you're so... beautiful...."
she nuzzles his neck.
"I like you a lot...."
"And I like you too...."