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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"oh... cronos... the strong silent type i presume?" she says slowly.
"oh Mikael- do you know where the nearest bar is? I'm pretty thirsty..." she said seductively. (as usual)
"About three blocks that way once you get to the street." He points east.
"thank you Mikie- uhm- mind if I call you that? would you like to join me? my treat! I'm all alone here..." she cooes slowly, rubbing Ky's arm.
Ky scratches his head. "Um... I guess so...." He picks up his skateboard.

"Cronos, you can leave Reyli here. He knows this place. When he wakes up he'll find his way back home. In the meantime, I guess we're going to the bar...." He leads the way to the bar.
"Come on, it'll be fun!" she chuckles, softly and playfully yanking Ky's arm.

occ: she's part succcubus and incubus, whaddaya' expect? lol
OOC: lol

IC: "Hey, I'm coming, no need to pull my arm off..." He walks there, entering the bar with her and Cronos.
[at the bar, "scarlet" orders a glass of wine]

"what'll you have, Mikie?"
Trying to get used to being called "Mikie," Ky says, "Well, just some soda, I guess. I don't like alcohol-- it can really slow me down in sports! Hey, you don't have to pay for mine, you know...."
[she slowly sips her wine, her eyes close as she drinks, she opens them again, and winks at Ky.]

"I dont mind, really, it's pretty hard to get decent company around here..." [she nods towards a bunch of crazy hunters singing drunkly to their back]
"so... what sports do you take?" she asks curiously.