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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
snaps fingers and flames apper all over Ry
Veemon's Followers
Reyli immediately freaks out, using the stop-drop-and roll method to try and put out the flames.
snaps fingers and flames go out. he then kicks Ry in the stomach flinging him 10 feet
Veemon's Followers
Ky jumps off the top of the building. He seems to hover under Reyli as he sends a kick to his stomach, sending him flying into the trees. He flips backwards and lands gracefully on his feet. His eyes return to normal.
Cronos flys over to the trees to find out what happend to him
Veemon's Followers
Reyli is alive but unconscious, draped over a branch.
flys to the branch and gets Ry down. as he lands the wings dissapper and his eyes return to normal
Veemon's Followers
Reyli remains unconscious. Ky lands next to him shortly after.

"He's been on my case since we were little...."
vegarel smiles evily, "without Blue and Moony... those three make such easy pickings..." she whispers. and then she takes her mortal form, and disapears.
mist surrounds the three, and then suddenly, a sexy lady apears out of nowhere, bumping into Ky, and falling.
"oof! oh, I'm sorry mr., I cant see anything through this mist... can you please help me?" -she asks seductively.
"I'm kind of lost in this big town... is it okay if I follow you around a bit? I feel so much safer near a big, strong, handsome guy like you... ouch! my knee..." she says.
"Huh? Oh yeah, sure, whatever..." He helps her up, distracted by his own thoughts. "You're welcome."