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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"Oh, alright." He aims a lightning-fast kick at Cronos' side.
jumps out of the way also lightining fast
*in a sing-song voice* still not good enough!
Veemon's Followers
Ky grins and flips backward, landing on his skateboard and jumping it out the window, landing on the sidewalk and coming to a stop.

"I'm bored with this hotel! Come and get me!"
Mullen covered his head with his pillow. The next room was being far too loud. Screaming, hitting... it sounded like a sado-masicistic festival.

"Really," he muttered, pulling the coveres back over his feet. The draft was the window was quite intolerable. He curled up, and tryed to sleep.
you know i'll catch you!
jumps out window and takes to the sky
Veemon's Followers
Ky skateboards down the sidewalk quickly, keeping an eye on Cronos up above.
occ: thanks for the info Gabumonfurry! now I want to go online with you two, so... can you tell me when you usually do it? i'm usually free at 5 and 7 pm, so what would that make it there? on weekends, Im free all the time, so can we make a schedule? lol thats a good Idea! that Vegarel sounds like a good plot-twist, I'll ask Gunter, I wonder where he gets that stuff from?

IC: (breathes a sigh of boredom) thanks Khoi, you should go back to sleep. you look pretty tired. (snaps his fingers, making Khoi drowsy) (he stares out of the window, at Cronos and Ky) funny guys, weird, but funny. I'd better fix the room... (he did what Moonshadow did, repaired the room with a mere gesture.) (he thinks of something) -should I? heck- why not? HEY DUDES! WAIT FOR ME! (he jumps out the window, running at a very high speed, he levels up with the two, Ky on the street, the rooftops, the sidewalks and other stuff, and Cronos in the skies) hey you two! I was wondering why you enjoy sparring- and I was wonderin'... Can I join in?
occ: Vegarel is Actually a Cross between a Succubus, an Incubus and an Elder Vampiress, well, Blue told me your idea, and I think it's good. let's say... Vegarelgives the dark gift to Cronos's mom and dad just for the heck of it. then when cronos was born, she finishes them off, and Cronos is therefore only half-vampire, and his other half is elf. eh? and here she is, looking like Morrigan and Lilith from darkstalkers. (I for one think that Morrigan is HOT.) oh, and Blue, I get this stuff from my mind, it's BRIMMING with thoughts and ideas... I need a break.

the sun rises, and Moonshadow can be seen walking accross a green pasture, he turns his head towards the sun. ("Vegarel, why are you so Vile? we had an agreement- yet you still proceed to kill and destroy, what is your purpose? why do you take pleasure in the despair of innocents? youre just like Shadow. I dont see why you dont go to him right now, and seduce him to be yours- oh yeah, even I cant locate him...") -thought Moonshadow, he stopped, and picked up a wild light blue colored rose. ("the beauty of a despairose, hides the deadly thorn that protects it. the despairose reminds me of Vegarel, her power hides her true intensions, and so does her beauty. I cant break through her mind, though I can sense it so clearly. ...she wanted something.") -thought Moonshadow, replanting the Despairose. he suddenly snaps back up- he understands now: Vegarel wants Blue! "Oh no-" -exclaimed Moonshadow, and he disapeared in mid-run, leaving a trail of bent grass in his wake)

back to Ky, Cronos and Dark Blue, Vegarel watches Blue run after Cronos and Kyat a distance, unnoticed by them. she sits on top of a lamp post, her legs were crossed, and she had a lustful smirk on her face. "oh Blue... I can hear your Blood pulse through your veins, it calls to me, it wants me... and I want you..." -she whispers seductively to herself, then her eyes focus Cronos, who was soaring in the air. "Cronos... hmhmhm" -she laughed softly. "he doesnt know me, but I know- scratch that- knew your parents... their blood had a unique taste, the taste of elder night-elf blood is very... interesting..." she whispers seductively to herself again. she then laughs maniacally, in an ascending tone, while she laughs, she is shrouded in mist, when the mist lifts, she is gone, the echo of her eerie laughter still echoes through the street.
occ: just a little curious, but would Ky look anything like one of these:

[Image: zaushie-naked.jpg]

[Image: starlott-sketch.jpg]

and does Khoi look something like this?:

[Image: kz_color.jpg]

[Image: motel-love-prequel.jpg]

-just a bit curious. lol
source of piccies: