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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"Oh, it's not troulbe..." Mullen grunted under Khoi's weight. He'd followed Ky to the hotel, and now asked the reseptionist for the key to the other room.


"Yes, a key."

"Oh, key."


They entered the bedroom, and Mullen put Khoi on the bed.

"A double... I'll sleep on the floor."
ooc: everybody be here friday at 11:00 pm est if you can
Veemon's Followers
I can try, no garentees.
OOC: Friday I'm out of town, will be back Sunday.
ooc: ill try, is it by the boards time?

"its ok you can have the bed im used to the floor" *i get up and crawl to the floor next to Mullen pushing him slightly and relaxes on the floor*
est= eastren standerd time
Veemon's Followers
occ: (try ripping my spine out when you dont have hands!!!)
sorry- a little-er... problem with- YOU CANT GET IN!!! THE DOOR IS 50% reinforced Titanium!!!
occ: (you cant bite my hand off if you dont have teeth, cuz im gonna' kick em out!!!)
uhm, sorry for the long absence, SOMEONE's downloaded yiffy porn movies have caused the Computer to crash, and Totalled the LAN and internet connection! i actually had to INTERACT with someone on the phone to get it up again! now it just keeps disconnecting!!!
occ: (not before I BITE YOUR LEGS OFF!!! try kicking my teeth out then, EH?)
OH, now its MY FAULT the connection sucks!? Evil Evil Evil You just find another excuse, do you!?... I dont wanna argue with you gunter, I'm sorry.
(Im sorry about our little row, we'll stop arguing now. well, gunter and I arent gay or bi- we just enjoy yaoi- but if you WANT me to be gay or BI, I can patch it up with gunter... buy doing it with him... if thats what you want.) :cry: sorry.
occ:............................. I'm sorry too. can come out of there? please? I never could stay mad at you- what if you left? I'd be all alone again. :cry:
I'll skip the sex part, I dont think we need to be gay or bi to post here, as long as were obsessed wit yaoi, and thats all that matters, Fr-Friends?