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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Veemon's Followers
Ky turns to him and take a deep breath.

"Here's why...."

He grabs Cronos' head with a hand, and a flood of images suddenly go into Chronos' mind--a dark forest, Ky himself as a little kid. Intense fear for people he loved... his parents. A loud, panicked scream and terrible laughter.... a need to help... running.... a clearing... and an image of Ky's parents, twisted and mangled in the clearing.... Rage and sadness.... Years of living on the streets, scrounging for money, buying what he can, being ostracized for years because of this.... and more anger at the whole thing.
"that explains you, but what about me."
Veemon's Followers
Ky shrugs.

"What can I say? I'm an orphan, you're a vampire."
Mind Break! [special hand gesture towards blue]
[blue's fear dissolved, and he calmed down, panting.]
[gunter walked over to blue, and put his hands on Blue's shoulders]
It's okay Blue, i defeated the monster a long time ago, it turned into a sandwich , remember? a tasty bacon sandwich. nothing to panic about, you wanted the fast way, and the fast way was mortal fear. how do you feel?
[he notices the two]
memory sharing... hmmmm...
[taps into Ky's memories]
(woah, his life is almost as misreable as Blue's, poor guy... he's got a great pottential on becoming a Grand High-sorcerer some day, i wonder if he knows that?)
He turns to Gunter, his eyes still glowing the same strange way.

"I felt that, Gunter."
"i never had angle wings before" :: the wings flare out :: " nore the eye colour"
Veemon's Followers
[breathes hard and shallow breaths]
m-master Gunter- Oh Master! [throws his arms around Moonshadow]
it's been so long! i was so alone... oh master, where have you been? [notices his Black blindfold with white markings] master- whats wrong? have you gone blind!?
:: melds with the shadows ::
Veemon's Followers
"I'm going to go see if I can do anything with this strange... eye... thing...."

He leaps out the window, moving noticeably faster than before.