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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
occ: okay- did blue rover leave? where the hell is cronos!!?
OOC: Yeah, he logged off. At the forum index if you go to the bottom, you should see my name and your name.
[suddenly- blue stopped moving... his katanas dropped to the ground, and he fell asleep once again... the problem is... if he wakes up, this will happen again, unless Cronos lifts the shadow of fear from him.

occ: see ya later, Gunter has to take me for a walk!! lol
OOC: Ha, okay then!
Mullen's face was completly red, as he entertained the bar with his anecdotes.

"So I said "These aren't your buiscuits"!" He slapped his head as he said it, and the bar laughed in chours.

"Tell another one!" shouted someone in the crowd.

Mullen frowned. "I'm afraid I don't have any more..." Then the fact he was blushing caught up with him, and he covedred his face. He sat back down, next to Khoi, to let the embaressment die down. "Another milkshake, barman! Another milkshake!"

How odd, Mullen thought, that a bar that doesn't have a licence to sell to anyone under 18 would serve milkshakes.
ooc: well i guess we finaly get a chance to talk xD

"Ah i wonder how many milkshakes weve downed by now, were either going to pass out or there going to run out of ingredient" *i chuckle and licked my muzzle and downed the next milkshake in seconds* ow hehehe... * fall over having a brain freeze and had a dumbfounded look on my face*
OCC: i'm am really sorry for diching you. i fell asleep at the keybord.

IC: "well i know what that new power is." ::closes eyes and, insted of giving, took the black aura:: "there that should do it."
Veemon's Followers
[He moaned in his sleep] Cronos- dispel the shadow of fear... doesnt matter- I'll learn to do it sooner or later...ZZZZZZ....
OOC: i've got to go to church. i'll be on later.
Veemon's Followers
Ky gves a relieved sigh and sits at the desk.

"Guess I'd better nix on the skateboarding tonight."