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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
*Cronos starts to give blue a belly rub while Ky is scraching at his ears*
Veemon's Followers
[blue enjosy the treatment, no one ever petted him or gave him bellyrubs before, nor did he let them, but cronos and ky were different... they were his first friends... in 15 years.] [he enjoyed their comapany, and their touch, hoping this would never end]
OOC: i'm with you there
IC: *Cornos takes out a raven's blood bottle and started to drink*
Veemon's Followers
[blue felt his member harden, but he didnt want to move, so he just hoped no one would notice.]
Ky doesn't notice. He keeps scratching gently at Blue's ears, amused slightly by his actions.
*Cronos is now intoxicicated with raven's blood*

note: raven's blood acts like bliss for a vampire
Veemon's Followers
[blue's leg twitched, soon it was kicking up and down wildly as Cronos rubbed a spot on his belly, he let out a low moan]
Ky looks over at Cronos.

"Hm? What's that for?"
i felt like calming down. *cronos takes his hand away to find that it was wet and sticky* what the?
Veemon's Followers
[blue noticed cronos's actions, so he gave cronos a playful lick on the face to keep him awake]