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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"Aw, man... I must be the only one around here without some sort of power...."
*draws a pentagram in the circle*
Veemon's Followers
[his tone changes]
Master Buster! what should i do now? do i concentrate on the levitation- or the floating? what's the difference, master?
[it changes again]
no master.... dont leave me too... why does everyone i care for leave me?
why is it the ones i love are the ones that die?
no problem then..........i simply wont love anymore.
*puts a glass of water on the east side of the star*
Veemon's Followers
"Oh, man, that can't be good for him....

Need any help, Cronos?"
[moaning once more]
shadow... you killed mother... and master.... why do you kill? what is your purpose?...............why dont you kill me? please, shadow, KILL-ME.
*puts a stick of incence on the south-eastern point*

(cronos is deep in a trance and cannot hear)
Veemon's Followers
"Guess that's a no... Maybe I can help this way...."

Ky ponders what Dark Blue has said so far and comes up with an answer.

"Dark Blue, he won't kill you because it's what you want. He wants you to suffer, to be alone, but you don't have to be, pal."
[moaning deeply]
Fenris... I- no... this is wrong.......... Uhhhhh.... yes fenris... it feels good.... stop- it's-it's not right- were not supposed to be doing this-
[changes again]
Fenris!!! Noooooooooooo.... why did i fall in love? fuck you shadow!!! why are you doing this to me!?
[sobs] Fenris...
*puts a pile of salt on the south-west point*
Veemon's Followers