Bondage queens.
03-28-2011, 06:20 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"Well I'm sorry but something's come up. I simply can't have my slave impregnated at the moment, however if you don't mind your slave being the one to carry the child then I won't have an issue." Mindy explained, a bit surprised by Naomi's refusal of using a pedigree for breeding but shrugged it off as some excentricity or something.


"If ya think your little slut can take it, won't hear me complainin' none." Lupe growled excitedly as she handed the double dildo to Silvia, grabbing a strap-on for herself, albeit slightly smaller to accomodate Katt's tail-hole.

Kitt's pussy was completely drenched with her juices, her face a bright red under her fur as her body felt like it was on fire from the combination of Silvia's touch, the gel, and the fact that she couldn't cum. She panted heavily once her gag was removed, absolutely drooling with pleasure as she sniffed at Silvia's fingers, recgonizing her own scent and quickly beginning to lick them clean as she purred softly.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

03-28-2011, 08:19 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Ximena couldn't help but snicker at Mindy's and Naomi's arguement. That made all the pain getting in here worth while. She picked up her riding crop when exiting the door. She made it to limo and opened one of the back doors. Inside is a suitcase. She opened it up and took out a long evening gown. It's the same colors as her corset. However, it's split down the center with red on the left and black on the right. If she is going back to the village, then she would rather go in style than half naked. She may be a mistress, but she's no whore. She closed the suitcase, slid it back in, and closed the door.

Ximena then went to the front driver's seat and got in. She pulled on the dashboard revieling a small laptop computer. She typed in a mistress directory and tried to look up Mindy's profile. However, with such limited information, it wasn't easy. After a few minutes, she did find something. Mindy has a good amount of resources at her disposal, not as much as her, but enough. She also got what slaves she has. None of them were special. However, one caught her eye. It's a human named Silvia. Could this be the pedigree Mindy is talking about? Sounds about right. After all, humans are rare, and a human/cat hybrid would be considered priceless on the open market.

Ximena shook her head. Now is not the time to think of these things. She has to keep her head on the task at hand. She closed the laptop and slid it back into the dashboard. She then waited for Mindy and Little Snow White to come out.

[Image: Wolves-183.jpg]

03-31-2011, 08:58 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"Eric is too young for proper breeding. Using her might cause...complications, imperfections, thing that are not acceptable at all! Oh, come on now Mindy, we had a deal, you were even going to raise the child. Have you really decided not to? What changed your mind, what can I dont to unchange it?" Naomi asked, reluctant to lose such a valuable experiment and breeding material.

Yumi looked terrified by the very concept of having to listen to them renegotiate her pregnancy and nudged Mindy's leg a little. "Th-the other lady left already...maybe we should follow her before she drive away?" she suggested, not looking up, afraid that Mindy would punish her or spot her huge blush, which was put on by her humble act.


"Such a good kitty. Are you read my sweet Kitt? Im going to put this big thing into you, and then one into your rear. Would you like that?" she asked, rubbing her dildo again Kitt's pussy before taking off her own clothes or any that remained and slowly working the dildo into her own pussy, moaning as she did. "Ahhh, do you want it Kitt?" she asked before she would slowly thrust it into Kitt's dripping pussy, moaning loudly as she did.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

03-31-2011, 12:10 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"Because unfortunately my curiousity was piqued and I couldn't resist it. Depending on how things go after this I might not even be the owner of this slut for much longer." Mindy shrugged a bit, ignoring Yumi as she spoke, "I suppose we'll just have to see how this all goes, afterwards if Yumi still belongs to me, then we can breed her." She smiled.


"Ahhh, yes, please, I need it, so badly mistress!" Kitt cried out and whimpered as she felt Silvia rubbing the fake cock against her pussy, her arousal so great it was almost painful. She cried out in pure bliss as Silvia thrusted into her, and if not for the collar probably would have orgasm right on the spot, barely even noticing as Lupe slid the other toy inside of her ass she was so lost in the pleasure of finally being fucked by her mistress.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

03-31-2011, 01:23 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"Ahchoo!" Ximena sneezed. "Well, that came out of nowhere." She took out a tissue and rubbed her nose. "Someone must be talking about me." She looked at the mounted clock. "They are taking their sweet time getting here. I hope Mindy didn't change her mind at the last second. It would be a shame to lose such a fine slave like Little Snow White. She has so much potential."

[Image: Wolves-183.jpg]

03-31-2011, 03:32 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
If Yumi could pale she would. "B-But mistress, you said you wouldnt..." she said in a hushed whisper, looking down still. she realized that if she was going to escape her fate then she needed to become Ximena's pet, she was sure the wolf wouldnt breed her. She would sit and wait until Mindy was ready to take her out.

Naomi pouted by sighed. "Fine, do come by with your other slave then, I would love to see her and see if I have a fitting match for a pedigree." She said before stepping aside for Mindy to leave, feeling thoroughly used as she saw that she would have to clean Erica up from all the cum on her face and chest.


Mindy took a moment to adjust while she was deep inside Kitt, her own pussy being far less accustomed to fucking. "Ahhh, so good..." she moaned before kissing Kitt deeply, rubbing her breasts against those of her slave as she slowly started to thrust in and out. Silvia hoped Lupe would join in somehow as well.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

04-01-2011, 06:05 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Mindy slipped a hand into her cleavage, pulling out a small business card, "Here, give me a call some time. I'll see if there's any way I can make up for this little situation." she smiled as she left the building, leading Yumi into the limo, "Sorry, that took a bit longer than expected. This had better be worth my time, I'm missing out on quite an oppurtunity." she said.


Kitt hungrily devoured Silvia's tongue as they kissed, moaning and purring non-stop in her pleasure, loving the feeling of being fucked from both ends, especially because the one infront of her was her beloved mistress. She eagerly began thrusting her hips forward to meet with Silvia's.

"Ohh mah, she's quite the energetic one isn't she?" Lupe moaned as she fucked Kitt's tail-hole, chuckling a bit about how she barely seemed to notice thanks to her being completely drunk off her own pleasure, "You all have to come back sometime so we can play again." she growled, grabbing onto Silvia's ass and pulling on her, causing the dildo to go deeper inside of both Silvia and Kitt.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

04-01-2011, 08:25 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Ximena only smiled. "Oh believe me, It'll be worth your time and so much more." She decided to keep on Mindy's good side. If she pissed her off now, then she would lose Little Snow White for good.

She looked back at Little Snow White. "Are you comfortable? Can I get you something to drink?" She pressed a button and small cooler appeared from the middle of the backseat. "I have water, milk, and soda. Take as much as you like. Oh, and in case you're wondering, they're not drugged. Unlike some mistresses, I don't deal with that garbage. Been forced fed too much of it myself." She turned back and put the key in. She veered out of the parking lot and onto the main road to the village.

"So, Mindy, It'll be a while before we make it to the village. Tell me more about this pedigree of yours. It must have dented your wallet quite a bit to acquire such a rare gem."

[Image: Wolves-183.jpg]

04-01-2011, 08:33 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Yumi didnt say anything as she sat in the back seat with Mindy. When she was offered drinks, she was genuinely surprised and reached out to take a bottle of milk. she sipped it and mewed softly with delight, it had been too long since she had cold milk.


Silvia cried out loudly when her ass was grabbed and her pussy impaled further. "Ahhh, oh so good!" she cried out, fucking Kitt harder and faster, knowing that pleasure within her slave was only building and building and building. She kissed Kitt again, her breasts still mashing with her, as she reached behind Kitt to grope Lupe's rack.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

04-01-2011, 08:59 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"Thank you, quite a kind hostess aren't you?" Mindy smiled as she took a bottle of the water, "Actually she cost very little, I got quite lucky with that find, the owner either didn't know what he had or didn't care. Either way I got her for a very low price, and before you even ask, no I do not intend to part with her for anything, my favorite pet has taken quite a liking to her, it'd break her heart if I ever got rid of her."


Kitt cried out softly as her breasts were pressed up against Silvia's, smearing the gel that was on them onto Silvia's chest as well as the feline moaned into their kiss, her tongue exploring every inch of Silvia's mouth as she purred with bliss.

"Ooh that's nice," Lupe moaned as Silvia played with her chest, her nipples already aroused from rubbing against Kitt's back, "Mmmm, it's been awhile, since I've played with such wonderful girls. I'm, not gonna last much longer," she growled as she felt her orgasm rapidly approaching.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
