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(Zero & Maero Product) Beauties and the Beast
"Nothing of any interest right now, I think." He would walk around with her some more, showing her the more average plants, before asking her if she would like to see the library.


Two B responded by anteing up, it seemed. He grabbed the human by his throat, squeezing his neck to hurt him, but not enough to fully choke him. "I am ageless! Even if you two die, more will eventually come! Do you think you are the first slaves? I have out lived many children before. The only difference between them is, are their lives full of joy, or pain!?" He roared, lying to him. "Even if both of you die, I will find more. Your deaths have no true meaning to me! So its your choice, boy, either live a life of joy with me, with the chance to see your father again, or torture and death, with your sister soon following?!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"I..." Samantha suddenly seemed distracted, distant. "I want to see my brother...I...I want to make sure he is OK." She said finally. As twins they shared a sort of bond, and Samuel was under so much stress that she actually felt chills and worried for him. The last time she had felt this way was when Samuel had fallen down a dark well and nearly died. Ever since then he had been afraid of small dark spaces, and that fear was almost shared by his sister.


Samuel was not buying it, the beast had been so adamant about both of them being his slaves, had been so unmoving on the issue that through his insistence he revealed their value. Aside from that, Samuel realized that he wasnt choking, and he was a warrior trained partially by Alexander, he knew what it felt like to be choked.

"Then do it!" He gasped. "Kill me, I dare you." He didnt smile, and in fact, his heart was racing, his blood was running cold. As sure as he thought he was, he was still afraid of the beast, knowing that he was tampering with powers he could barely understand or defeat. But for some reason, he felt like all it was saying was lies, he didnt feel the normal chill he got when his sister was in danger, in fact, he didnt feel anything off about her at all, and he hadnt seen her at all. He decided it was better to die now, then live as a slave forever...though only just barely.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"...As you wish, Princess," One A nodded, and would take her hand in his own. They would walk off, but instead of going to Samuel and Two B, they would take many detours, walking down various hallways and stairs, some of them being very dark, others being brightly lit by the sun or torches, and some in between.


Two B growled and threw Samuel into the wall, harshly, before walking out. Minutes would go by until suddenly Two B walked back in, with Samantha in his arms. He would holding her right arm tightly behind her back, hurting her.

Obviously this wasn't the real Samantha. Samuel did not see it, but this was still Two B. He had just grown a copy of Samantha's body from his, and used his voice mimicking powers to copy her voice. This meant the two had to be touching each other, but it still gave an impressive copy of the princess.

"S-Samuel, help!" Samantha begged, a perfect copy of her voice.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Samantha!" Samuel gasped, getting to his feet and pulling the sheets off the bed to cover himself with. "Let her go you piece of slime!" He yelled, looking down at the broken lamp he had tried to defend himself with earlier. He picked up a piece of glass from the lamp and held it up to his own throat. "I swear I will not falter on my word! Let her go!" He yelled.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"And I will not falter on mine!" Two B replied, turning one of his fingers into a sharp point and holding it up at 'Samantha's' neck.

"Samuel! HELP!" She begged, crying in fear of death's embrace. "Please, don't let him kill me..." she whispered, so quietly it was barely heard by Samuel's ears.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Samuel was silent for several long moments, his hand shaking as he held the glass up to it. "W-We will meet in the next world Samantha..." He said through tears as he began to push the glass up into his own throat. Blood ran down his hand as the cold glass bit into his pale skin, but he stopped suddenly before the glass could cut too deep. "Wait...something isnt right." He said, lowering the glass. The Samantha before him looked and sounded exactly like his sister, but there were things missing, mannerisms that werent there.

Why was she asking for help from Samuel instead of doing what she normally did and resort to negotiating? More than that, why was she concerned about herself when her brother was about to kill himself? Samantha was the most selfless person her knew, she would be struggling frantically in Two B's arms to try to get to him and stop him under normal circumstances, not caring whether it hurt her or not. To add on top of all of that, it just didnt feel like Samantha was in danger, call it twins intuition, but he just didnt feel like he was staring at his sister.

"Thats not bastared!" He yelled, jumping at Two B, trying to stab him, avoiding his fake sister if he could, but not caring if he wounded the phony. Meanwhile his neck was bleeding, and although it was a shallow cut, any cut there was bad.


Samantha suddenly stumbled and almost fell down a flight of stairs. When One A looked back to check on her he would find her holding her heart as though it hurt. " brother..." she said softly. "I feel he is suffering. Where is he?!" she asked almost frantically, almost feeling the cold glass bite into her own skin.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
One A looked at Samantha and nodded, taking her hand and carrying her to Samuel's room. They would be there in moments.


Samuel was able to stab the fake man, piercing his eyeball, though it did not hurt him. He cursed his own mistake and the fake Samantha retreated back into his body. His arms grabbed Samuel and he tried to restrain him. "Big mistake, Samuel," he growled, before the door opened to reveal Samantha and One A.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Samantha walked in, seeing her brother half naked, dressed in sheets and looking ragged, bleeding from his neck as he was again overpowered by Two B. "Samuel!" she cried out, running too him and trying to pry him away from Two B, who , to her, seemed to be killing him. "What are you doing to my brother?!" she screamed through her own tears, unable to even imagine losing her twin, not now when there was no one else. "Let him go!" Samuel was still struggling, still trying to stab Two B, but the world was spinning for him, his blood loss starting to affect him. There was a miss swing and he cut deep into Samantha's arm, making her stumble back in shock, the glass piercing her skin near her armpit, a dangerous place for a wound, and watched a rose of blood stained her dress, and slowly, she began to fall.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
She was caught by One A thankfully, and Two B grabbed Samuel to try and calm him down. Tentacles came in with medical equipment in their grip. The tentacles would try to restrain the two siblings so they could be properly taken care of by the two clones. Samuel especially was restrained due to his violent nature.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The restraining worked as both siblings were soon unconscious, and soon after that, in stable condition. Samatha was in the worst shape, surprisingly, and he wound was very dangerous, having pierced a vital artery. She was alright now, but she would have to be treated gently, escorted and taken care off for awhile while her arm healed and, more importantly, her blood replenished.

Samuel would be fine in a few days, but would be weak for a week or so. More pressing was the damage to his voice box. It could be healed, if the beast wanted it healed, but he could also not heal it and render Samuel mute, a harsh punishment for his disobedience, but it was up to the beast what to do with him.

The beast would also decide where and how they woke up, dressed in what and where, and could also attempt his own alterations on their bodies while they were unconscious, if he wanted to.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)