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Angewomons_Lover and MasterZero's RP
While the three looked around, they would soon find a letter on the ground and three beautiful wedding gowns. The letter read,

Hello ladies. I have come to inform you that you are going to be married! Put on these wonderful gowns, and you'll find I have left a portal open for you. Come through it, and you'll be back in Ophanimon, or should I say, my temple? Anyways, go through the portal and I'll meet you back there.

Love, Master Alex.
"Awww, how sweet." Kristen giggled as she walked to the dressing closet with the other girls, all of them getting dressed in the three wedding gowns there, which didn't even cover their breasts or asses at all, before going back into the portal.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
When they got through the portal they saw Alex, standing in a black tux, smiling. Next to him was a Wizardmon, who was there acting as pirest. On the sides were rows of seats, and many humans and Digimon sat there, looking at the girls as they entered. In one row, Refia and Ophanimon would notice the Angewomon from before, holding hands with a human with wedding ring on her fingers as well. Alex motioned them to walk over to him, and as they did, Wizardmon would say, "We are gathered here today, to bring four souls together. Kristen, Refia, Ophanimon, and Alex, in love and as Master and Slaves."
Kristen smiled a bit, trying to keep from giggling. This is so silly...but, if it makes him happy! she thought, standing up next to Alex with Ophanimon and Refia at her side.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Ahem, before we begin, does anyone have any objections to this marriage?" the Wizardmon asked. "If you do, speak now or forever-"

"Look out!" a human in the crowd yelled, before a yellow energy beam pierced his body. Everyone turned to see a small army of Angemon, all lead by a MagnaAngemon.

"That's impossible!" one voice said. "MagnaAngemon is de-" he was quickly killed as another Hand of Fate attacked hit him.

"Reclaim the temple!" MagnaAngemon ordered as he flew down delivered a powerful kick to Alex's chest, sending the suprised human back. "Are you okay, Ophanimon?" he asked, looking at his fellow angel and noticed her dress. "I'm sorry, I did not arrive sooner. The Digital Soverigns revived me to cleanse our world of this Human taint."
Ophanimon growled, slapping the angel across the face. "How dare you interrupt my wedding!" she shouted, slapping him again. "Have you no shame??"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"The Soverigns told me of your corruption," MagnaAngemon said as he, and two other Angemon began to try and restrain the three girls. "Don't worry, you will soon be healed of his taint," the lead Angel said.
"NO!" Ophanimon roared, throwing the angel off of her, being much bigger and stronger than an Angemon despite being female. "You stop this right now, before I kill you all!" she threatened.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
MagnaAngemon glared at her and attempt to slap her across the face. "I am trying to save you! Look at what that disgusting human has done to you! Made you into a slut! Don't you rememember who you are? What you are? You are Queen of all Digimon! Ophanimon!"
"No!" Ophanimon caught MagnaAngemon's arm, glaring at him. "That is not who I am. I am Ophanimon, queen of the Digimon sluts, and owned by my wonderful Master!" she growled.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan