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Shadow: I bet we can make it smaller! *Bucket of ice water appears over I-DMX's head and dumps on him*

Slash: You enjoy doing that way too much.

Mindy: Shadow, can you make her smaller?

Shadow: Huh? Oh yeah sure, *Snaps his fingers and Dot returns to normal size, relatively the size of a barbie doll to Mindy*

Mindy: Yay, I got a Dotty action figure. I'm gonna dress her, and comb her hair, and have all kinds of fun.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Sekhmet: *appears behind Loki in a sheet of blood* well, my dear Loki, how long has it been? Two, three thousand years?! *summons her Sickle, and puts it to Loki's throat*

Brandon: hmm... we have two gods fighting, a world made of cheese, two giant girls wrestling, three felines fighting over an improbably massive ball of yarn, and....three of the Head Honchos of SDP.

Renny: ...what's your point?

Brandon: ...I don't know. I keep staring at Sekhmet's tits, and forgetting why I'm here.
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Dot: EEK! Shrink her too! A horny 55 feet tall sheep is not anything nice for the environment of this city! Also... I'm naked! Give me something to put on! *Whines*

I-DMX: *Hair dampens* Uhm- I'm in my ultimate form boss, remember? No weakness. Also, I'm gonna have to return that. *Bucket the size of Kansas appears above the area and drops an ocean of mountain dew over the cheese'd area*
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mindy: I can take care of that! *Punches a hole through the wall, pulling out Dot's closet* Let's see what kind of clothes my dolly has, *Pulls out a sexy black dress* Oh wow, how come you never wear this?

Shadow: Oh yeah forgot about that, *Sees the mountain dew falling* NOOOOO!! *snaps his finger and all the mountain dew suddenly stops in the air, floating around in giant blobs of soda* Mountain dew must never be wasted.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
I-DMX: Hey, you mess with the hair, you just can't go unpunished. But let's leave it at there! I never liked to waste soda either.

Dot: Oh... never actually had the chance to- THAT'S NOT MY CLOSET! *Huffs* I don't have slutty dresses in my closet! I only use corsettes and pretty dance dresses.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Tigerlily: Good...I don't like you being in chibi form too long~<3 *still hugging I-Marrie, licking his cheeks* Puurrrrrr...

Lax: GAHHHHHHH!!!!1 *is drowned by the mountain dew*

Linvar: Mar! You literally drown Lax!

Kaze: Hahaha thanks!
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Dark: *The mountain dew goes up to his knees* Cheese and mountain dew, not a good mix.
[Image: 34snomc.png]

[Image: DarkChibimon.png]
Gabumon Loverz
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lady Devimon's Minions
Creative Minds
Mindy: Well you're wearing this now! Put your arms up, *Slides the dress over Dot's head* Wow, don't you look sexy, looks like your breasts are about to rip it clean in half though, who's dresser is this? *Examines the dresser* Ohhh, it's Katt's. That explains it.

Katt: That's it, I so quit, *Walks out of the SDP manor*

Shadow: DMX you almost wasted soda, you broke the number 1 commandment of SDP!

*Hall of SDP*

*Memoribilia of countless SDP stuff fills the hall, at the center a large stone slab with writing on it*

Commandments of SDP!

1. Must stalk renamon on a daily basis.

*Letters suddenly vanish then reapear*

1. Must never waste soda.


Shadow: Not good DMX.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
I-DMX: Well, I don't go by the rules. Rules are made from logic and coordination. I defy logic and coordination, so technically I defy rules all the time... uh- that means I'm leet.

Dot: It's... tight... *wheeze* Cannot... breathe...
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Loki: Logic and coordination is overrated. *leans back against Sekhmet* Heyyyy Sekh... you feel softer and warmer and deliciously bloodier than ever...

Ray: I wouldn't do that Lolo! Ex-Girlfriends are a force to be reckoned with!

Loki: Don't call me Lolo! It makes me feel old!
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers