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Darkness to light (Silver/AWL)
"Wait!" Amy yelled suddenly. A fear she had never known gripped her. "St-Stop! If you do this...if you do this I wont be me!" She said, struggling against the bindings. "Please...anything but this! Please master! This...this is the same as killing me! D-Dont, I dont want this! I will be good! I am trained and obedient, I will please you every day and do only what you say. I will go back to the dark room!" She still struggled against this new machine of horror. How could he want to do this to her? She knew she did not understand things and that his way of thinking was strange to her but....but could he?
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"None of those are what I want you to do." Ocax shook his head, sighing. "I'm sorry Amy, but this must be done. I tried to make you think that you weren't a slave, and it obviously didn't work, so I'm using the only thing that WILL work." he added, walking up to her, and gently caressing her cheek. "But whatever happens, I always want you to know that I love you, Amy." he said before kissing her lips gently. "Even if you won't remember anything of your entire life, I'll always love you."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Tears were spilling from her eyes as he kissed her, and she was no longer struggling. "Im...Im sorry I could not be what you wanted Ocax." She said sadly, holding back her sobs, but just barely. "Im so scared..." She said, her body trembling in fear. "Please...Ocax....Dont leave me. While all this happens....while the old me dies...please dont leave me." She would have held his hand if she could, but her hand was strapped down, and she began to sob softly. This is where it ended, at least for Amy the slave. She admitted that her past was sad and torturous...but she did not want to lose it. But if she was going to die and be reborn...then she at least wanted to do it near the one she loved. Her teary eyes never left his. "I love you Ocax." She whispered as her time as Amy neared its end.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"It's for the best, Amy...I guarantee you'll live a much better life..." He softly whispered in return, kissing the vixen's lips once more. "And I'll make sure you enjoy life to the fullest...goodbye, my love..." he added, unable to hold back tears as well as he walked away from the chair, the screen on the computer reading "READY, PRESS BUTTON Z." He then reached up, arm trembling as he pressed a different button than the one the machine had said, a loud whirring noise sounding as the machine powered up, giving a highly concentrated shock to just the right place on Amy's head so that it would knock her unconscious, but not hurt her. "I shall see you again...soon." he thought, stepping out of the room and letting the machine do it's work.

(Three hours later)

The lights flicked back on in the room, the still-unconscious vixen in the same spot on the chair, the screen reading "COMPLETE." Ocax walked over to it and pulled a lever, undoing all the restraints on Amy's body. "Amy...wake up..." he softly whispered, grasping her hand and gently rubbing it. "Wake up, my lover..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Amy eyes slowly opened. Her eyes darted to and fro, looking around the room and then settling on Ocax. Lover...that word....Amy's wiped mind produced an answer. "Lover?" She said confused. "Lover....but...I dont-" She cut herslf off as she realized that she did not know where she was at all...or what time it was....or her own name...or...anything. Words came easily to her, as did movement, but....but she had nothing else. She suddenly looked up at Ocax and kicked him in the chest and ran into a corner, shielding her head and trembling. "Whats happening?!" She yelled, panicking. She should have memories, she knew she should! How else could she knew how he spoke and how to move? But...but there was nothing! It was like staring at a big black void in her head. Nothing. She trembled, she scratched the walls, looked for a way out. Everything was so confusing. She could not recognize Ocax at all, why had he called her lover? Why was she in that weird chair? What did it do? What was she? What was her name? She quickly became disoriented from all her questions and fell on her butt, her head swaying as if she were drunk.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Amy! Calm down...I'm not going to hurt you..." The bird slowly approached Amy, holding his claw out to her. "I'll explain everything that's happening if you will just come with me...okay?" he added, smiling down at her. "I swear upon my honor that I'm your friend, not your enemy."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Friend?" She said. Her mind took longer to produce and answer for this one but it came eventually. One thing her mind would not tell her was what honor was. Still....he was the first person she had ever seen, and that meant allot. She felt bad for kicking him now and blushed. She did not know what was happening when she started blushing. Her face began to heat up and she knew it was showing, but did not know if it would stop. "H-Help!" She pleaded suddenly, holding her face in her hands. "M-My face! I think its going to burn up!" She said alarmed, which only made her blush harder and fuel her fear.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"No, no, it's not...Come here..." Ocax gently rubbed the back of her neck. "You're not going to burn up...will you just come with me? I'll tell you everything and anything you want to know." he told her, moving his claw down her back and rubbing it gently, using his claws to gently scratch, knowing that canines loved being scratched.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Amy gave a small moan and felt herself relax right away. "Ohhh, that feels good. I will come with you if you do more of that." She said standing up and leaning on him a little, deeply enjoying her first moments of pleasure and ready to fallow him where ever he wanted to take her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Okay, just follow me, alright?" The avian gently grasped her paw with his other claw, leading her out of the room, and back to the dining room, scratching her back all the way. "So it's like this...your name is Amy. You've had your memory erased, so that you could forget about your awful past. I saved you from that past, Amy." he started to explain, sitting her down in one of the chairs, pulling up a chair next to her and sitting in it.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan