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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
Kurtz blinked, as his usual sabre returned, the chip's power fading from him as he looked about, his entire body starting to swirl on the spot. "Damnit... where is he..." He muttered, his armored tail swishing around.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Come on how long is it gonna take for that thing to wear off." Slash muttered slightly as he watched Leviathan, she hadn't moved since the last attack and seemed to just be floating there waiting, "Can't be soon enough if you ask," He was suddenly cut off from his talking as Leviathan moved forward faster than ever before, catching him surprised as she grabbed him digging her new claws deeply into him and flew towards the ground rapidly, "Dammit, I know you're not gonna remember this but I'm sorry." Slash said as he held out one of his wings at an angle and flipped them around, then kicked off her so she crashed into the ground as he landed softly a few feet away.


"How you holding Slash?" Shadow asked worried.


"Well, if that sudden increase in speed is any clue I don't think she's fully aware of her powers." Slash said backing off slightly as Leviathan began getting to her feet, "If she learns how to control them better this'll be a big problem."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The Chamberlain Guard had traveled halfway around the Domain's lip, the furthest distance between the southern and northern poles, and between the leading troops. They stopped marching. The Troopers rolled their Launcher Tubes from the budles on their backs, some wielding rockets to load the tubes.

Other heavy weapons Troopers dismounted bundles, set tri-pods (that wouldn't submerge), and guiding the mounts locked. Ammunition belts were discarded, the waist deep water dampening the gunpowder shells. Heavy Bandoliers met the same fate. Soon equipment jetsam floated in an unfelt current.

The Rockets still functioned.

Auspex sent the last Chamberlain forward when the jetwash sounded. He turned, catching several contrails of smoke bloom from spent Launcher tubes. The spewing rockets streaked across the room in a withering howl. They detonated around Leviathan, striking her wings, and arched past, towards Slash.

Over five hundred Troopers made the Chamberlain 12th. Somehow Auspex managed to fit them in, two-by-two, with rifles slung in their bundle packs, water slogged and reeking drying water.
"Come on Pyro get away already! Jack out!" Mar ordered, pressing the Jack Out button on the 'shoulder' of the PET, "Come here! PYRO!!" Mar started shouting again. The PET didn't respond as result from the jamming.

(Cyber World)

Taking a fraction of the second when Kurtz turned around, it struck again mercilessly, but this time it was a Mega Cannon, fired directly on the Navi's back.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Oh shit!" Slash cursed as he brought up his wings to protect himself, the missles exploded around his wings pushing him back with alot of force but they protected him from any permanent harm. He looked up just in time to see Leviathan charging at the army claws and teeth ready and wings spread wide, "Crap, this is not good." he thought as he got to his feet uneasily and ran forward trying to catch her before she made it to them.

OOC: Again just for me to keep track, this is post 5.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Bursting forward with a yell, Kurtz crashed forward, his boosters on his feet failing him as he slid back, his sword cutting into the ground as he cursed; his red armor across his back singed slightly with a faint black as he growled. "...D-Damnit... t-that..." He muttered, staring at the darkened Navi.

"You know, maybe it's time you actually got yourself away?" Kyo yelled to him, the sound of another chip being pulled up echoing to Kurtz as he shook his head.

"No use... I don't think this one would give up even if I ran.."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
The attacker was approaching Kurtz, its body flashing red as it prepared a practically huge Varial Sword to slice the dragon in half. But it stopped, the weapon disappeared from the powerful foe as it let out a roar, "RRRAAAAAARRRR!! RAWWR!!" it fell to the floor on its knees, holding by its head, its eyes flashing from red lights to blue spheres and his body from hellish dark to red. It seemingly had become unstable in some sort of way, a perfect opportunity to destroy it.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

"I think we got someone's attention." Auspex murmured. "Spread out."

The surrounding Troopers sagged with relief. Their guns weren't in range to fight Leviathan, and the acidic tang of Jet Wash still clouded her shape in shadow. Spreading out their number felt more appealing than a clustered mass of confused rifles.

"Synch your sights. She's not used to her Cybeast so she doesn;t know its full potential, let's keep it that way. Bring her down, hard."

Leviathan was closing the gap quickly with each leathery snap of her wings. Rifle fire began mixing into the whine of rocket jets, up ahead they could see sihlouttes of the point squad shooting in frantic bursts. Soon the squads around Auspex were fumbling for their short-barrel rifles and locking fore-sights onto the repective gliders, slapping fresh magazines, or shedding their bundle packs into the water.

The Chamberlain braced their weapons, ready, waiting.
"GRAHHHHH!!" Leviathan continued charging forward, ignoring everything in her blind rage to destroy the creatures before her, barely noticing as a few random bullets shot clean through the thin flesh of her wings.


"Slash, get infront of her, try and shield her with your wings." Shadow ordered quickly, at a loss as to what they could do without the use of his chips.


"She better appreciate this when she snaps out of it." Slash said as he spread his wings to their maximum length, pushing off the ground with all his strength he streamlined towards Leviathan, "Sorry again, but believe me, this is for your own good!" He shouted as he collided into her, knocking her off center for a second, long enough for him to get a grip on her tail and fling her away from Auspex's troops.


"SLASH BE CAREFUL!" Izuna shouted seeing Leviathan crash into the ground, draggin her claws along it to slow herself down, "I know she can't control it but don't hurt her."


"I don't want to," Slash assured, "But if I pull every punch and she gets too close to those guys they will kill her. A few injuries induced by me aren't as bad as a deleted Navi right?" he reasoned as he turned towards Auspex, "Back off! She's another official," he shouted down at him, "I'll take care of her, she won't be like this much longer so just let me handle it!" He finished quickly as he turned and charged at Leviathan again, Only way to do this without hurting her is to keep hitting her softly, keep her off her feet with weak attacks until that thing goes away. He thought as he grabbed her around the midsection and lifted her into the air, with her wings damaged I'll at least have more control of the situation up here.

OOC: that's 7, next post she'll return to normal.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Come on, do we get it?" Kyo chimed, hearing the roars from his PET as he prepared yet another chip if all need be.

Kurtz, staring at thhe now unstable figure, put a finger on his sword arm, glaring. "If we can finish it, we'll do it. Any ones able to knock out?"

"None. Only delete. You can use it."

Kurtz grinned, before his body faded in a red glow, his sword becoming pure white as he suddenly appeared close to the figure, holding his sword. "Dance Macabre." He announced, before slicing towards the figure, the huge slash about to hit.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds