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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
The prisoner cage suddenly flashed, the anti-trap triggered and the whole place was flooded with water till making it impossible to move inside.

(Real World)

Mar grunted, Pyro get here damnit... stop entertaining yourself...
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Wow, that was close." Leviathan thought as she floated safely in the water. She swam quickly over to the new Navi that had activated the trap, "Hey thanks for the save. Uhh, Do I know you?" She asked out of curioustiy.


"Crud that's not good." Shadow said examining the screen, "If that whole place is covered in water then Pyro's in big trouble. Mar can you see how he is?"


"Don't worry, the rate that damage would be taken from a water panel wouldn't be enough to destroy any fire Navi that quickly. We just need to find," Leviathan paused and looked back towards the end of the area, "Did someone else hear that?" She asked, having heard a loud noise passing through the water. Hearing underwater was no problem for her being a water elemental, "Sounds like something big."

*Just below the domain*

A large creature rammed against the wall of where he was, sensing disturbances above it. It reared back and slammed into the floor again, growling in satisfaction as a large crack appeared on it. It pulled back and slammed into it one more time as the entire floor to foxy's domain crumbled before it as it charged out. It was a long crystal blue dragon with wings sprouting from it's back. It let out a loud roar as he effortlessly 'flew' through the water.

*Short distance away*

"Uh oh, we got company on it's way." Leviathan said, "Big company."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"One minute until Full Acceleration"

The tear had expanded to the Firewall's base and fifteen meters in all directions, almost engulfing the external layer. Despite such revelation, the Generator didn't destroy the 'space gap' between the Sanction and the Domain yet; Full Accleration would 'drag' the spider connections of the Sanction and bridge it to the Domain. But it allowed them to gaze across the void.

Auspex refused what he saw.

The sunburn pink of the walls were smothered in more forsaken posters: pop singers, musicians, actors, everything that made his face crawl. Cages ranging from small to large encompassed a 'ring' around a solitary room. Hissing against the portal radiation was water, flood water, blotting out the floor with its cerulean hue.

"What the hell did he do?" Auspex shouted, loud enough for the others to hear. "Spring a leak?"

'Maybe he just couldn't hold it.'

The Viral Commander growled. A pistol appeared in his clenched fist. The shot startled everbody, the Chamberlain's head jerked back in a puss cloud of ichor and gore, collapsing in the dirt.

"Not another word." He turned back to look at Foxies Domain. In the distance, a familiar shape appeared, wings unfurled. "What the-" He grabbed someone's specs. "How the-" Then two others appeared beside Slash. "Oh good. More of them, joyous."

Something disfigured glided through his specs, under the water, and just breifly, glinted light before sumbmerging. "What the hell is that?"


Frustration boiled over Auspex's voice. "I'm gonna kill those two goddamnit!" He shouted as loud as his lungs could produce.
Foxy blinked, "What's going on in there?!" she groaned, before she stopped the auto hijacking. "That's not fun!" she grunted as she saw her space wrecked. "I'm gonna delete the lucky guy! Where're my guards?!"

"Zzz... zzz... zz..."

Foxy looked left, that's when she saw a sleeping Mettaur next to the destroyed back-entrance firewall "Huh? What the," she cut herself short only to start gripping her left fist in anger. "I'm ANGRY!!" she roared.

Out of the prison room, the shadowy virus had stepped next to the entrance, its eyes narrowed. "Grrrrr..."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Slash, you and your friend stay here. That thing moves too well in the water for you to help me." Leviathan said as she 'flew' towards the large dragon, "Hey big boy. Care to dance?" She smiled as she held her staff towards him.


"Slash did you see what's going on?" Shadow asked barely able to make anything out through the haze of the water.


"No," Slash said, "But from what Leviathan said it's probably something big."


"Okay, be careful." Shadow said. I really hope this isn't what I think it may be.

"Let's rock and roll Leviathan." Izuna smiled as she inserted her first battle chip, "Tri arrow 3 slot in."


Leviathan began aiming her arm as it turned into a large fish head, "Ready aim and fire." she shouted as 3 small spears shot out at the large dragon.

The dragon let out a roar as one arrow struck it and then quickly moved to avoid the others.

Dang that things fast, doubt even I could move like that Leviathan thought as she readied her spear to defend herself, seeing the dragon coming at her, "Let's finish this quickly Izuna." She shouted.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Zephyr coughed and spluttered as he rose to the surface of the flood, shaking it off. The trap had hit him harder than expected, and he was suffering for it.

"You're down nearly a hundred HP, Zeph..." Alex warned, watching intently. "Want me to send you a Recovery80?"

"No, I think we're alright for now... if I need it later, I'll say so." he said as he treaded water, his weapon collapsed and strapped to his waist for safe keeping. he watched as Leviathan's attacks hit the dragon, blinking slowly. "hmm..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Heading more and more deeper into the domain, Kurtz kept his eyes out. His Operator had since stayed quiet, waiting for anymore information. Of course, the water of such had slowed his movement down; luckily, he wasn't getting damaged from it, a luck that he could only thank as he continued to venture forward. But something had to have been happening in front. Soon he came to a point where above, something was happening. He knew it because of the sounds ringing against his ear, but his sight was partially blurred. "Damnit... I'm here, but there's no way of getting up there.."

"Can't you boost up there?" Kyo chimed back, while the Navi shook his head.

"I wouldn't even last ten seconds probably if it's something huge..." Kurtz muttered, but then shrugged as he tapped the floor, his shoes bursting with energy as he started to slowly head up into the higher depths of the water. "But like I said. A challenge is a challenge!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Grr..." the blood-thirsty agressor turned around and prepared its escape, only to meet up with another net-navi. Its crimson red eyes widened as its killer-instinct alerted him, immediatly, the dark creature advanced forward in a speedy way and simply slashed Kurtz with a devilish dark slash, meant it'd have the same power as a Dark Sword.

Meanwhile the party was going on, Foxy had just deleted her ex-guard, she was thinking of a strategy to get rid of her unwanted visitors, Gladias... those are my next on the list, grrrr!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Aquasword slot in." Izuna said sliding the chip into her PET.


Leviathan held her staff out as it transformed around her arm into a sword made of water, "Okay, let's see if we can slay this dragon." She smirked as she charged towards it, moving effortlessly through the water. She came face to face with the dragon and swung her sword at it.

The dragon moved quickly out of the way avoiding the small attack range of the sword and taking advantage of her now being so close, "RARRR!!" It moved rapidly behind her and wrapped it's tail around her body trapping her.

"Dammit, you are one stubborn little as..." Leviathan didn't finish as she suddenly felt an odd sensation deep inside of her data, "ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!" She screamed loudly as a bright light encompassed the two of them before shrinking back down to Navi shape. The figure was barely visible in the water but it fixed that problem, with one loud earsplitting roar the water in the area quickly defragged and dissapeared.


"What the, what is that?" Izuna gasped as she saw the creature standing there.

"Oh that's not good," Shadow said recgonizing everything that had happened, "It's another one of those cybeasts. And it got Leviathan."


The new Leviathan stood slightly hunched over, from it's back protruded a pair of large crystal blue wings, it's hands were now jagged and pointed talons, her head was encased in a helmet resembling a large dragon's maw, a long blue tail whipped around behind her as she examined the area.


"Oh man, Slash, we have a really big problem." Shadow said.

"What problem? What happened to Leviathan?" Izuna shouted, now clearly panicking.

"It's a cybeast, it merged with Leviathan just as it did with Slash and Pyro." Shadow said, "It's a type of program that gives the Navi unimaginable power, but they become completely uncontrollable."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kurtz quickly tried his hardest to duck the dark slash that was coming towards him, as he attempted to avoid it as much as he could. But, somehow, his luck had kicked in again as the water suddenly vanished. Of course, since his boosters had still been on, he had only shot upwards, looking up now at the beast. "Damn... that was close...."

"Kurtz! You okay?"

"Yeah, just avoided a one way trip to slashed funky armor." Kurtz cursed, rubbing his arm as he looked towards the agressor, before grinning. "Quick, hand me something, I'll try hitting it!"

(Real World)

"Alright, let's go for a Program then." Kyo chimed, picking up three chips as he slotted them in all at once, VarSword, StepSword, and Widesword, his brown hair ruffling slightly. "BusterSword Program Advance! Activate!"

(Cyber World)

With a smirk, Kurtz's once blue saber on his right arm suddenly burst out into a more larger, white blade as he suddenly dived down for the aggressor, a huge swipe heading forward towards him. "Let's see yah handle this!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds