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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
Zephyr blinked as he came across the glowing platform, inspecting it closely before nudging it with the butt-end of his Naginata. He blinked and hastily pulled it out as it started to dematerialize.

"What is this?" he asked his operator. Alex sat up and started typing, examining the program.

"It's a gateway command..." Alex said. "A sort of website bookmark for NetNavi's." he said, reading his computer's readout carefully, making sure he understood.

"...alright then. any idea where it goes?" Zephyr asked. Alex continued typing commands into the computer.

"Looks like a personal homepage... not good. You go in there, there's a chance the site's owner can cut me off from you. You'd be on your own" Zephyr couldn't help but smirk.

"What're the odds?" he asked. Alex thought for a moment.

"Without my doing anything bordering on illegal? 3 to 1" he said. "But you know what I always say..."

"You can't keep a good hacker out forever..." Zephyr droned, in perfect time with his operator. "Don't take too long breaking in. I don't want to see you miss all the fun" he laughed, readying himself before stepping onto the transporter, dematerializing and reloading at the Gateway's destination.

OOC: Guess whose portal it was? :P Izuna should learn to close her gateways behind herself...
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: Now all I need is to work out where the heck to place mehself. But, incoming profile!

Operator: Kyo
PET: Small-hand version, with red firey like marks across it and all the blank space white upon it.
Unique program advance: Buster Sword (WideSword, StepSword, VarSword) (-Steps forward before slashing broadly over up to 3sq forward and 2sq across.-)
Chips: Half fire, half sword.
Synch chip: Not yet.

NetNavi: Kurtz.exe
Element: Sword.
Special tech: Dance Macabre (Although allowing no more chips to be sent during the round of using it, Dance Macabre makes Kurtz slash up to two times on one target to two. Cancels if hit before using it.)
CyBeast program: None
Advantages: Able to stand Poisoned panels.
Disadvantages: Breaking Chips and Water Chips deal double damage to him.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"It's a long story." Shadow said.

"Tell it, it's funny." Izuna said over her little video window.

"Well I had a problem with a chip store, the transaction wasn't completed and they took my money." Shadow began.

"So instead of going to the officials genius here decides to try and hack into them himself. Well I was around and leviathan quickly put a stop to that."


"Kicked Slash's butt good." Leviathan smiled as she moved through the area.

*Real world*

"But he was lucky," Izuna continued, "He had found some data by accident linking the store to criminal activity. Well I talked to my superiors and after explaining the situation they decided that since he had helped in breaking up this ring that we wouldn't take legal action."

"So I got to keep Slash." Shadow explained.

"We've been friends since, and Slash and Leviathan have a cute little rivalry going on."


"10 wins and only 4 losses in my favor." Leviathan smiled proudly.

*Real world*

"So we came to help when we got his letter." Izuna finished.


Leviathan walked through the final portal into necrophylus, "Wow, looks like a warzone here." She said looking around, she easily spotted Slash flying a short distance in the ari, "YO! ANGEL BOY!" She shouted up at him.

Slash looked over at the loud yelling, easily making out leviathan's bright colors against the darker area, "Oh great, who invited her?" He thought grudgingly as he landed infront of her, standing almost 2 feet above her in relative terms, "Let me guess Shadow called you guys over?"

"Bingo," Leviathan said smiling, "Heard you and a new friend got into some trouble. What'd you do this time?"

"Don't have time to explain, Pyro went missing and I can't find him." Slash explained quickly.

"Izuna." Leviathan said calmly.

*Real world*

"Heard everything and I'm already on it." Izuna began typing quickly at her computer, "Wow, I don't know if this guy's an official but he definately has the tech to back up the claim. It'll take awhile to break through this but I can open up communication between you and your navi's."

"You there Slash?" Shadow asked testing.

*Cyber world*

"Wow, never thought I'd be happy to hear your voice." Slash joked.

*Real world*

"Funny but now's not the time. Do you have any clue where Pyro's at?"


"No, I can't track something as complicated as a Navi. But I don't think he was deleted." Slash said.

*Real world*

A few more keystrokes could be lightly heard from Izuna's side, "Got him... I think. It's kinda fuzzy, he must be behind some heavy protection I can't tell if it's him or not but it's our best bet. He's around there somewhere so you'll just have to look."

"Long as we know he's around." Shadow turned to Mar, "See if you can reach him, get him to try and tell us if he knows where he is."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Maybe I should just... use it... if I send it over he'll break free on his own and come back to me when, Mar thought, completely ignoring while Shadow related his story with Izuna and Leviathan. When he heard the mention of his name however, he turned around, hiding a small odd looking chip in his pocket. "Oh I hope!" he said and went to his PET, grabbed it on his hands and tried to switch the main screen connecting to PyroMan.

Static "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... CLACK!" a clattering sound came from the PET, the screen was still totally fuzzy.
"Damn... no good-" he sighed in disappointment.


PyroMan was resting in his cage curled up like a small wolf, he was completely hopeless of any save, before his eyes chest symbol glowed just slightly. "What?" he said.

(Real World)

"Huh?" Mar said looking onto his PET and noticing something, "Hey! The screen's the same, but the sound is on!" he grinned cheerfully. "Hey Pyro! How are you buddy? Are you okay?"

"I t-nk I -m o-ay!"

"Darn sound's fuzzy... Hey where are you?!"

"I -on't know! Th-t fox -s... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz- CLACK!" sound was gone.

"DAMN IT!" Mar cursed, "Pyro! PyroMan!! Answer me!!!" he yelled at his PET, shaking it wildly.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Suddenly, within each PET of every Net Navi inside Necrophylus, the screen fuzzed. Static scrambled the picture, inkling lines of black and white began striping throughout the monitor screen. The sound speakers squealed. Soon each PET screen convulsed in pixelated madness.

Just as it appeared, the estranged act waned. The screens blipped. The white noise quieted. Every screen turned black. When their PET's rebooted, it revealed a clearing encompassed with evergreens.

Standing in its center stood Auspex. He and his contingent of Chamberlain Guard stood semi-circle before the PET window. Their puzzle-camo of red, black, and white stood contrast to the cool gun-metal of their weapons. They were staring past the PET window at something off screen, something buzzing, something so constant that it makes the teeth itch. Behind them, the burned corpse of a Lumber Mill still smoldered, fogging the lowland craters and trunks.

"Once Necrophylus tears a hole into her Domain, open the channel between Mar and Pyroman.exe, communication only." Auspex told the Troopers. "We're going to need brainy to guide us."

Two troopers broke from the circle and disappeared off screen. "Second thing, beware of the flying one, you know, the-I'm-a-thick-headed-idiot one. He'll probably be dropping from the sky and say something like 'Oh my god' or something ridiculous like that. Just make sure you give him written directions..."

Three more left. "Thirdly," Auspex continued, "When the generator's finished tearing the hole, turn it off. I don't want another Chernobyl-esque incident again."

After the the last sentence the screens turned black and began rebooting. When the screen lit again, they had returned to normal operating status, except for Mar's which still remained dark.
"Hmm, didn't have enough time to lock onto his location but I got a general direction to look in." Izuna said giving a thumbs up.

"Okay it's a start. Slash you and Leviathan see if you can find him." Shadow said.


"Gotcha, if he's out here we'll find him." Slash said as he lifted a short bit off the ground, "Let's go Leviathan we need to find him." He said as he flew off towards the area Pyro had disapeared.

"Right behind you." Leviathan said running a short bit behind him, holding her staff behind her just incase.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar was surprised, his PET was black. Had he broken it? "Darn... this thing ain't helping... PYRO!!" he yelled. "Can you hear me?! Can you recieved chips?!"

Foxy was using a net camera to watch PyroMan in his cage, she was waiting for her operator to tell her to either finish him off or carry him away. It was getting boring but she had come to like to stare at the wolf navi. "He's quite cute when's struggling" she observed.

Suddenly a Mettaur came running, the little thing started crying next to Foxy's leg.

"Hmm?" she muttered and turned to face the little virus, "What is it?"

"Enemies trying to break into!" it reported.

"Oh he can't take a defeat can he?" Foxy giggled, "Well this prize is mine!" she said, then in a poof of smoke she disappeared. "Guard my guest!" her voice trailed.

The Mettaur raised its pick-ax in sign of obedience, and stayed in front of the door.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"You sure this is right?" Slash said looking at a solid wall.

"It's a firewall. It's not supposed to looke like anything." Leviathan said as she walked placed a hand against the wall. A small red light erupted from it and she pulled her hand back immediately, "Yeah, definately a firewall. And a high class one too."

*Real world*

"Well they've never gone up against and official with a knack for hacking into things." Izuna smiled as she stretched out her fingers, "Looks like it uses a ten digit security code. I'll run a random number generator on it. We should have an answer within a few minutes."


Leviathan held her hand up to the wall and a small blue light began flowing from it into the wall, "Let's just hope we don't get interupted." She said as the numbers began running through her eyes as she searched for the code.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The virus guard next to Foxy's firewall had fallen asleep for that moment. The Mettaur next to firewall was snoring even, a bubble coming out of his invisible black nose.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hmm." Zephyr said softly. Alex sat up, having been half-asleep a moment ago.

"What'd you find Zeph?" he asked, blinking sleepily and scrambling for his glasses.

"A firewall and a sleepy Mettaur..." he said softly, kneeling in front of the tiny black miner and waving his hand slightly. "VERY sleepy..."

"Leave it... if it's being guarded by a single Mettaur, it can't be very important..." Alex remarked, reaching into the fridge under his desk, grabbing a soda.

"You're the boss, boss." he said, and kept walking.

OOC: lol oblivious :P
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)