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Things You Wouldn't Hear In A Digimon Episode

Guilmon - *blasts Renamon*
Renamon - *totally unaffected, grins*
Takato - :Eek:
Rika - *laughs* I love hack cards! :biggrin2:
Takato - ... :frown:
*Tai, Matt, Izzy, and Joe are watching TV, Star Jones comes on.

Tai: Hmm... She's kinda hot.

Matt, Izzy, and Joe: :Eek::Eek::Eek:

Joe: That's it! No more medical marijuana!
Guilmon: Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, BANANA PHONE!
Terriermon: Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, BANANA PHOOOOOOONE!
Guilmon: i got this feelin'
Terriermon: so apeallin'
Renamon: uhm...they've been doing this for the past 3 hours rika...i think something's wrong...
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Renamon: Remind me. You're a Data Digimon, Ultimate level, the same size of me, a hot dragon-like thing as the humans call you, and powerful.

Kurtz: That is correct, miss.

Renamon: You also have a similar ability to summon swords out of thin air, correct?

Kurtz: Yes.

Renamon: And you've been known to give pleasure to those needing.

Kurtz: Uhhh... occasionally.

Renamon: Perfect. *tackles Kurtz to the ground*

Kyo: *in another reality, holding a hack card called Time Distort* This is why I keep my brain seperate from my hands.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
lol Heh... I think I need a self insertion one too! ::D:

Rika+Renamon+Takato+Guilmon+Henry+Terriermon - *watching digital field*
Henry - I hope it's friendly...
Rika - Unlikely.
Renamon - Rika-*thump!*
Stef - *on top of Renamon* Oh, oh, it's a Renamon! *hugs* ::D:
Renamon - O.o ...!?
Rika - What the-*thump!*
Poke - *on top of Rika* Whoo, nice... Twisted *feels chest*
Rika - O.o ... ##O.O##;
Takato+Henry - :Eek:
Guilmon - ...?
Grimmie - Oh, hi, Guilmon! ::D:
Guilmon - *looks at Grimmie* ... O_O ... *runs away screaming*
Grimmie - What? Hey! HEY! Come back! *chases*
Terriermon - Screw Momentai, RUN!! *flees*
Henry - Terriermon!
MG - *facepalm* Oh, geez... I knew this was a bad idea...
location: inside Rika's bedroom

Rika: Renamon!

Renamon: *teleports in* Yes, Rika.

Rika: Did you happen to borrow something from my hope chest?

Renamon: N-n-no. *looks away at the ground*

Rika: Renamon, please be honest with me. Did you borrow something?

Renamon: *visibly nervous* Rika, I-I-I....

Rika: *softens voice* Renamon. *puts her arm around her* It's nothing to be ashamed of. Maybe you can help me the next time I need to use it. *kisses her on cheek* I just wanted to know if you borrowed it.

Renamon: *lowers her head* Yes Rika, I did. *reaching into one of her gauntlets she pulls out a purple foot-long vibrator*   ::">:  I'm sorry Rika, I just had a...uh...need...that needed to be satisfied.

Rika: *taking the vibrator from her* It's okay, we all have those sort of needs. The next time you have that "need" come to me, I'll be sure to help you out. *embraces Renamon and hugs her tightly*  ::D:
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
LOL you should write fanfic with that kind of material :P
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Calibremon/Astrianna Wrote:LOL you should write fanfic with that kind of material :P

AGREED!!! mrgreen

Guilmon - mrgreen *totally dog-piled by small children just outside a school*
Random Teacher - O_O;
Leomon: RREAAW!! *like a cat*
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Calibremon/Astrianna Wrote:LOL you should write fanfic with that kind of material :P

I hope to be posting my first lemon, (Parts 1 & 2, it will be a series), by the end of the month.
Teaser: It will be about an unsuspecting Tamer meeting his Digimon.

Hope it goes over well.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz