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Things You Wouldn't Hear In A Digimon Episode
... I don't get it... :?

Guilmon - :shock:
Piedramon - Fear me! *aims pie cannon* Twisted ... :shock: H-Hey, don't eat my ammo!
Guilmon - *munching stolen pies* Saw-wie! mrgreen

^_^ Hmm... that reminds me of someone... *giggles*
Think of Mimi. Then think of a Super Saiyan from DBZ. Mimi helpless? xD Lol. Although not pulled off well.

Flamey: So, remind me. You're technically a female version of myself.

Aqua: Yes! *giggle*

Flamey: With a fin which I don't have.

Aqua: Uhm... yeah...

Flamey: Armour depicting water.

Aqua: Yes!

Flamey: And huge boobs.

Aqua: Yeah, I do have bi- Wait, WHAT?!
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
(After Patamon firstdigivolves to Angemon.)

Everyone: :shock: YOU"RE A GUY!!!

Angemon: (sweatdrop) Twisted THAT'S IT, HAND OF FATE!!! (Blows everyone away)
Agumon: Zing!

Tai: what?

Everyone: (at same time) ZING!!!!

Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Shindou Kurtz Wrote:Think of Mimi. Then think of a Super Saiyan from DBZ. Mimi helpless? xD Lol. Although not pulled off well.!
you got it :D not pulled off well? :P

( at T.K.'s wedding)
guy: do you Takera Usera take this..uh..women to be your wife?
T.K: :roll: i do
guy: and do lady devimon take this man to be your husben?
LD: i do
guy: Bla bla bla kiss her.
(in the adeonce)

Nancy: i blame you for this Malcom.
Malcom: what! you rased him!
Nancy: you where never thare for him.
Malcom: you didnt whant me to be!

Kari: (sob) T.K... :cry:
Davis: dont worry Kari now you and i can get marred :D
Kari: (Thinks about it)... WHAAAAAA! my life is ruend!
Davis: :?
Kari: my only hope is to have a affare with T.K.
Davis: :shock: WHAT!

Matt: this is so wierd. at lest im the best man HA take that Tai.
Guilmon: *walks out wearing a rainbow wig* umm takatomon, i think theres a digimon stuck to my head.

Takato: no thats a wig.

Guilmon: really? do i look SEXY in it?!

Takato: :shock:
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
(Kari spots the rest of the Digidestind on the other side of a large canyon.)

Kari: T.K.! T.K.!

T.K.: What'd she say?

Cody: I think she said I'm gay, I'm gay.

T.K., and Davis: NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (jumps off the cliff)

Cody: suckers
Davis: *oblivious to everyone else* o/` I'm a luuuuve machine... o/`

Everone Else :shock:

Cody: Aaawkward...

OOC: Oh shit, that might've actually happened :P
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Kari: davis i what you to know if you wear the last man on earth id be a lesbin. :D

Davis: huh :?

Cody: for crying out loud! davis, she whod rather go to hell then date you!! do you get it. you are a obnoxes, glory hound weth no ledership skll whos only ambithen is to owen a noodel cart!!

DD: wow :shock:

Yhle: its alway the qiet ones.
*Angewomon/Ladydevimon catfight scene*

Tai: ...I think I need to change my shorts... :shock:

Izzy: :shock:/:?
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)