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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
OOC: *Dusts off his PeT* Wow, been awhile. But let's see if we can't bring this back. JACK IN!


"What are we stopping for?" Slash asked still slightly annoyed, "The sooner we're done here the sooner we can head back to our owners." He frowned a bit, And the sooner I can put a few megabytes between me and this guy. he thought looking at Auspex.

"Well," Shadow stood up from his seat at his computer, "Standing around watching a screen isn't gonna do any good. We'll just have to wait till tomorrow. You're welcome to stay over if you'd like, I'm sure you'd be worried about Pyro."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mar was dibling a strange chip between his fingers, an habit he had when he was anxious. It was more or less the same feeling PyroMan was feeling right now, a special bond they had "I know, he kinda can't be alone" he said, worrying a bit because of before's emotion change that had affected his Net navi.

OOC: I think we should do something about Marine, he hasn't posted in ages in any of the topics of the DaD.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Auspex stopped before the Administration door and turned towards Pyromon. "Email him inside, tell him we'll be reaching our destination tomorrow. You," He said to Slash, "Will see your Op. soon enough. Then you can go back to being a snivling child's toy."

He opened the door and beckoned them inside.

Shouts. From below. Auspex leaned over the guardrail. The Male Navis at the Checkpoint gatehouse shoved their way through the crowd. A broad shouldered Male lead them, with a large, squared helmet. He thrust forwards, yelling incoherently, and pulled bystanders under his booted feet.

The Urban Iken shouldered their rifle-muzzles on the coming assault. Auspex drew his. Settling the crosshair on the Navi Leader, he pressed against the leader.

"Kill them."

The roar was deafning. Muzzles flashed like flower blossoms, illuminated the cold segmented armor of the Iken. Navis cried. Auspex's rifle balooned gunpowder. A crowd of defensless Navis fell screaming. The Male Leader collapsed, slid, stained his ichor across the floor. Three males were ridden with tiny puncture marks. A mother Navi and her child lay among them.

"Know this!" Asupex roared above the panic. The rifles stopped, but the children kept screaming. "No one cuts! No one acts out of regulation! If anyone tries to do otherwise will be shot."
Slash readied himself to fire off his pinion blades, the strongest weapon he had without Shadow there to support him, but decided against it. Nothing he said would change Auspex's mind, Sicko like him would probably just kill more people to get on my nerves. he thought, clenching his fists in anger.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Pyro followed inside, he prepared to write an E-mail, but he got a bit startled at Auspex's actions. This made him both wary and scared again, as well as anxious, too anxious of getting away before something happened to them, the idea of sending the E-mail had disappeared from his mind.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Auspex turned to a standing Iken soldier. "Go to the floor and clean it up." The soldier saltued and, with others following, parted towards the ladders. "Make sure you get everything."

Stupid Navis. Op-less Navis knew their place in line and stayed there. Lost Op Navis, however, seemed to bestow themselves with greater authority, as if they are the strongest because of belonging to a snivling child. How many would-be leaders stood in line today? Would there be more dead?

Auspex pittied the ones waiting.

He ushered Slash inside and locked the door behind him. Pyroman was waiting for them. Such a smart Navi, this one, maybe he'll convince the stubborn one to be more complacent.

Motioning towards a plattered table, Auspex invited his guests over. "You two must be hungry after today's excitement. If there's anything missing, talk to the Guard outside." He glanced at Pyroman, "Did you send your email?"
PyroMan lowered his wolf ears. Before he decided to respond in a more calm way, to at least convince Auspex he wasn't scared. "I'm- oh, right, I... I'll send it right now!" he said, then opened an holographic program integrated onto him, it was a basic program installed in almost all Navigators. Soon he wrote a text message in it and then put it in its corresponding letter. "Sending..." he said, then pushed the transparent send button.

"MESSAGE SENT" the program responded before it shut down.

Pyro went back on his four paws and glanced at Auspex, "Could I have some Cyber Coffee?" he asked lowly.

The PET started to beep, Mar's PET was both vibrating and ringing. He went over to pick it up while he blinked, "Odd... who could" but it hit him, Pyro he immediatly thought, then manually opened the mail, something he had to do without a Navi.

The young boy, after finishing the mail, turned to Shadow, "They're okay" he said, "Though I think Pyro's getting scared from how he wrote the mail."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: In order to re-evaluate and understand my characters abilities, I've taken the liberty to slightly edit him to both make him easier to understand and for sensible reasoning. I'm in no way making Auspex stronger, but editing his Doctrine Chips into something else.

Doctrine Chips explained the abilities of Auspex's field units in very specific facts that added to the trooper squads. This works, however, the specifics were too specific, and can easily be confused with something else.

So to make them simpler, I'm making them Field Upgrade Components. Components are permanent upgrades to Auspex's Troops without the use of re-using battle chips. These 'Upgrade' chips are one use only, and cannot be re-used until Auspex is defeated in battle.

Field Upgrade Components will have a broader impact on the Troopers affected (which i'll explain during the process), and eliminate specifics accosiated with Doctrine Chips.

Note, with the use of Component Chips, Auspex cannot function with standard battlechips, and as such, cannot benefit from them. After this post, Auspex will no longer have a program advance or other battle chips.

Replacing the Program Advance will be an added Component.


Auspex's Field Upgrade Components

- Components are combined Doctrine Chips. The specifics are stripped out and replaced with general, platoon affected upgrades.

1) Officer's Training - Every platoon (explained later) will be lead by a venerable officer, and increases morale and firing accuracy of each platoon.

2) Battlefield Training - Each platoon has been trained with the arts of intelligence and low-level strategem, which allows them to understand cover and the use of a firing base (increased accuracy).

3) Survivalist Warfare - Each platoon has a field medic attatched to it which reduces damage to troopers. The platoons can be outfitted with five warfare weaponries, ranging from heavy machine guns to explosive rockets and/or long barrel rifles.

4) *New* Platoon Formation - With the new use of military knowledge, five groups of squads, ten men in each, are formed into a Platoon. Platoons are a core group of Auspex's force and are often used on the battle fields.

- Let me know if anyone has any questions.
OOC: According to what I've seen, Auspex's the leading unit, and all the officer virus and such are just spawns from the battlechips that follow him mindlessly, in this case it's acceptable, but controlling way too many characters for this to happen would deline a bit of... exceeding in power, you know, it's just two lone navis against a whole army, it's not Auspex who is strong, it's the amount of soldiers that I'm seeing appear that troubles me. But well, maybe I'm wrong, let's just go with it now.

Marine Wrote:- Let me know if anyone has any questions.

Yep, can you post your part?
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Perhaps a platoon could consist of two squads; twenty-men total. The individual guard are considerably weak, a well aimed buster shot could fell him. In order to compensate, strengthen their number. It's not as large as you may think. We'll have to train it by words then.

IC: Auspex poured the Navi coffee and gave it to him. Pyroman seemed anxious, not upsetting, but a quiet fear. It reflected in his eyes.

"Scary, isn't it?" Auspex said. He wandered towards another window to a seperate loading flat. Trooper Platoons were preparing for Necrophylus, grabbing shotguns and snub-machine pistols, and dressed in urban flak jackets. "This place. This checkpoint." He nodded absently. "Navis are always scared on their first visit. Some say its the fear that never lets them leave." Auspex turned from the window. "But you have no reason to fear, no one does."