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Southern Cross
Kellie tossed Hiro onto the bed and shut and locked the door. "I think you know what type of training this is... don't move," the vampiress said with a grin as she took her gunblade and carefully moved it under Hiro shirt and turn her blade so it was against the fabric of the shirt and sliced away form her love and slicing his shirt open revealing his chest.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Silver had finished reps up to 300lbs "I gotta do more...I can't stop." the wolf said setting the weight to 400lbs. Sitting back down laying under the bar he grunted as he picked up the bar and started pressing it...I have to get stronger...strong enough not to need his help....letting out deep grunts with every press of the bar.
Whoa, she's kinda getting scary. Hiro thought as he saw the shirt split open, "You know, it would've been easier for me to just remove the shirt." He said.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"True... but that would be no fun at all if I asked you to remove your shirt you know," Kellie grinned as she looked at a small nick she made on her lovers chest. As She crawled up on the bed and cooed, "You look good enough to have a drink," as she licked the a small droplet of blood from the small nick she made on his chest.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
OOC: Thought you and J were going to rape her, hehe. I'm plotless for her! But well- I can improvise something!


Lu suddenly appeared besides Shadow, holding a piece of meat, a large one at that, all covered in blood, when she dropped it next to him, it was evident that the armored covered part was a human torso, "Sorry to spoil your 'nothing to do' fun, I found some brave kids surrounding the castle, according to the one I mutilated, they plan to attack from all directions" she informed to him.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kurtz, picking up his ears once again, listened for what she was listening. "Uhh.... the obvious machine moving in the background and pumps working?" He asked, swishing his tail once before responding. "Of course I don't have a strategy, you think I have time to work one out RIGHT this instant? All we can do is try to spot the droid and hope it odesn't catch onto us."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Hiro shivered a bit, the cold tongue running along his body feeling a bit odd but pleasurable, "And you look good enough to eat," He smiled, moving one of his hands to her chest and fondling her right breast.

Shadow sighed a bit, "Some little brats wouldn't even give me a workout. Doubt they'll even make it into the castle before Kubrika blows their little heads to pieces." Shadow stared up at the slowly setting sun, "Only person that ever gave me a challenge were those cross members. And I'm not even allowed to go and kill them without Kubrika letting me."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I'll go to the training room just incase any of the members over exert themselves and need healing." Wengren stated getting up from his chair and heading down the hallway.

< Training Room 1 >

Silver let out a loud and deep growl that echoed through the training room as he gritted his teeth and pushed with all of his might of the full 700lbs "RRRAAA!!!" he gave one last heave and set the bar on its rest. The wolf got up from the bench that was soaked in his sweat panting heavily "Five minute rest and up it to 750." he said to himself walking over to the spinner that had bottles of water in them. He took one and quickly guzzled down some of the cold water.
Kit walked into one of the smaller training rooms, one designed to withstand magical backlash and damage. She sat down in the center of the room, focusing her thoughts to the task at hand. She concentrated and with a slight bit of difficulty she was able to form a small flame in the palm of her hand, she held it there for a second before the flame began to expand out of her control, she quickly threw it away, striking the wall and creating a large scorch mark. "Darnit. Why can't I do that? When I use an ice spell all I need to do is focus on what I want it to do and it happens, this magic, fire seems to fight me." She held her palm out again, another flame appearing in it though with the same results as she threw it away before it grew too far out of her control, "It's like it wants to do what it wants. Not what I tell it to."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Whoops! Sorry Crimson, I missed your post! n_n;;


Ikonnen took a glance at Ada, and sighed, before stating. "Dorothy is currently with Kurtz dealing with a problem at the North. I don't think a White Mage of sorts could be any help to fixing a sword like that, to be honest with you." He took another sigh, before coughing heavily, covering his muzzle with a single paw. "Damnit... this cough is growing on me..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds