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altima began to feel light headed due to lack of oxygen...

"leave him be!" ishana cried out. "your buisness is with me...don't harm him!" she shook her chains wildly.
Shadow snorted, dropping the little bitch.

"Sorry, but I don't like it when...guys do that," he growled, shuddering in disgust. Turning back to the bound slave, he ran a hand along her back, feeling her burning skin.

"Have you learned your lesson, slut? Do you know your place," he growled, rubbing the blood around on her back.
bleeding, altima spat out blood. "thon oph a..." he said through shattered teeth. he jumped on top of shadow trying to choke him.

"NO!" ishana screamed. "its over altima! dont keep pushing him! please.." she sadly said, a tear forming in her eyes...
Letting out an annoyed snarl, Shadow reached back with his tail and grabbed his attacker by the neck, holding him out of arm's reach.

"Dammit, you little brat, what is your problem?! Your mistress wanted this," he snarled, starting to get very angry.
"I...c-c-an't le-et.. you hurt... my m-mistress!" the poor dragon choked out... his eyes began to roll towards the back of his head.. while he sneakily snuck his tail behind Shadow and probed his tail-hole. he doesn't like this kind of stuff... this may be the only way to take him down.. he had to think more before he fought his opponents next time..
Shadow knew what he was trying to do with his tail, and though it disgusted him to no end, he ignored it. Turning to the bound vixen, he motioned to her slave.

"Would you help this guy get a clue," he growled, resisting the urge to snap the little brat's neck.
Ishana stared at both of them.. she had no idea what was wrong with her slave, but when she stared into Altima's eyes, she knew...she knew what he wanted... "i think i know... he wants you to apologize...but first let go of his neck... you may kill him... and then you wont be getting any of me any time soon...."
Shadow growled, dropping Altima. Turning around, fighting to keep his pride down, he bowed respectfully.

"Sorry, but your mistress submitted herself to me and asked me to punish her. If she wanted me to stop, all she had to do was tell me. I have done nothing to her against her will," he said.
"thats not what he wanted... i think... he thoguht you have been master for too long...maybe you should give me a turn...i promise to make it up to you sometime soon enough.." the fox said...
"Fine, but keep that extra package of yours in its pouch. As you can see, I'm not gay," he said, undoing Ishana's bindings and getting down on one knee, waiting for her command.